This doll is REALLY for sale! You must be joking! It is so good to know that "ass-mander and thief" can jump in a naval jet in a moment's notice to protect our freedom. Gee! I guess that U.S Solider death toll nearing 3700 was all for naught! When we could have had G.W jump in a jet plane and just bomb da shit out of those evil doers! I wonder would it take him 3 days to answer the call to fly and fight for freedom?. I wonder if he would just disappear and show up in another state and whereabouts mysteriously unaccounted for by and erased by a local general. Or would he just sit there and continue reading a children's book to a bunch of kindergartners for 7 minutes while our country was being attacked. Yes, my fellow Americans. That doll is worth it's weight in gold!
You can order it online or pay it in a installment plan at your nearest Wal-Mart! Ah shit! Who needs to pay for food and prescriptions when you have your very own "American Hero" protecting you in your own home! I know I feel so much safer! I'll put it on my credit card. Oops! I can't! Those high interest rates caused by loaners due to giving fixed rate mortgages to people with bad credit to boost our weak ass economy and fool millions of Americans to thinking that we are living in great times has put a stop to that! Oh well. I'll just use my overtime check to pay for it. Oops! I can't! My job has stopped overtime because they had to choose between keeping me on full time or paying for my HMO health insurance that does not pay for serious medical cost!
Oh well. I guess my kids don't have to have dinner for the next couple of nights. Shit! They're young and have small stomachs! There is no price in preserving our freedom! Proud to be an American! Thank you our U.S president AKA Naval aviator "Top Gun"!
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