Wentworth Miller. Dude! Just come out of the closet! Don't get caught in a men's restroom jiggling your bone to an undercover cop! So old Wenty has been ONCE again been seen with his 'close friend" and fellow gay actor Luke McFarlane. Now these guys ain't holding hands but they could be making plans. Deciding whose gonna be the pitcher in the bedroom that night.
Wow. They are so hot too. I love gay guys! Hopefully they'll admit their love and start kissing and whatnot in public ;) oh happy happy day :)
I think people who hide in the closet have issues. In this day and age it is ok to be gay. Thousands of gay men and women have lost their lives so that people can come out without fear. Christians and Republicans have tried to make it worse for gays. But living in fear kills the cause. Gays must show pride in themselves. Ellen, Elton, Martina, K.D,George Michael,Patrick Neil Harris, Lance Bass have all came out and careers have taken off. There is no risk for Wentworth to come out. It's his own fear and confusion that is setting horrible example for others to stay in the closet rather than be comfortable with their sexuality.
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