So it seems the Republicans "great old white" hope is closer to jumping off the fence and trying to enter the presidential race. He has been illegally raising money off the Internet by not officially throwing his hat in. So it means he has no limit to how much campaign funds he can acquire during a "exploratory" campaign. He is showing his old, ancient, ass more on television. And even his "child bride" is trying to look more older.....by wearing lipstick and smoking! Yea girl!. That will get the liquor store owners from not carding you!
Now the old cracker goes on CNN and starts talking shit about baning same sex marriages, stopping abortions, and bringing back good faith in the White House.
Likely Republican White House hopeful Fred "old ass" Thompson told CNN Friday that he would work to overturn Roe v. Wade if elected president, and would push for a constitutional amendment that protects states from being forced to honor gay marriages performed in other states.
“I don’t think that one state ought to be able to pass a law requiring gay marriage or allowing gay marriage and have another state be required to follow along,” Thompson told CNN’s John King in an interview Friday.
Thompson added that the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion “was bad law and bad medicine.”
“I don’t think that one state ought to be able to pass a law requiring gay marriage or allowing gay marriage and have another state be required to follow along,” Thompson told CNN’s John King in an interview Friday.
Thompson added that the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion “was bad law and bad medicine.”
Bitch please! Bad medicine is when a doctor tries to keep you old ass alive for more than the 150 years you are close to now!. The last thing we need in the White House is some dumb ass backwoods cracker that is still stuck in 1951! Has yet to step his foot in the race and already breaking fund raising rules and talking mad shit to the American public! And this is the man you want running our country?! If Bush didn't push us back in credibility for 200 years. This old fuck will send us back to the fucking " Ice Age"! We'll be riding mammoths to work and training monkeys to do our dishes! Sitting by the campfire eating half cooked sabertooths!
You're a fucking fourth rate actor from Hollywood. Before "Law and Order" Your ass was playing 1960's rednecks who lynch Negros who sat in the front of the bus! Your career was close to becoming an extra in Retirement resort community infomercials or diabetic home delivery commercials! With your wife you seem to pick out of some Jon Benet beauty pageant! And you are older than the constitution it's self!. If Thomas Jefferson ( your collage dorm roommate) were fucking alive. He would challenge your ass to to a duel and be done with you right there!.
Is this really the best the Republicans have to offer?! A "cousin fucking, wife cheating" mayor riding on 911, a former POW solider who has lost his mind, a Mormon who flip flops. And now the crypt keeper and his Malibu Barbie wife?! In fact Fred. Why don't you create a law banning child bride marriages you fucking fossil!
If the Democrats fuck this up. They should dismantle the party all together. And if American fall for this bullshit again. I'm moving to France. Because this country has gone to shit in a hand basket!
The GOPedophile trolls running for the '08 nomination are beyond sorry! Granted the Dems, aside from Kucinich, certainly do not inspire much if any confidence, but next to the Republitards, they look nothing short of stellar! Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Monroe, Paine, even a conservative like Adams, would be nothing short of aghast at how their vision of America went totally off track.
It's long overdue time for a revolt!!!!!!!
I agree my brother!
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