This weekend Hitler ( President Bush) tried to yet pull another fast one. In the late hour on Sat night the Nazi signed the "wire tap bill" that allows him to wire tap " suspected terrorist" overseas and here. And who does he put in charge of overseeing this wiretapping? His biggest and his sweetest bitch "Alberto Gonzales". The same fuckhead that is under investigation for being charged with perjury or making false statements to Congress regarding his firing of federal DA,s who didn't go along with the Bush program.The House late Saturday night approved the Republican version of a measure amending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by a vote of 227-183, with most Republicans and conservative Democrats supporting the bill.
The White-House backed legislation closes what the Bush administration has called critical gaps in U.S. intelligence capability by expanding the government's abilities to eavesdrop without warrants on foreign suspects whose communications pass through the United States
Now the Democrats vow to alter this bill once it is re-introduced to congress. And since the Democrats have done absolutely nothing to stop Bush and his evil agenda. And the fact that Republican wolves in Democrats sheep's clothing sided with the Republicans on this violation of people's privacy. ONCE AGAIN these so called conservative Democrats have fucked us over again! How in the fuck can anything get done when one party stands firm while the other chooses sides and will stab you in the back in moments notice! This is a fucking joke! The political process in this country is in shambles! Yes people. I'm pissed!
1 comment:
Bush is evil to the core! He cares nothing about the best intrest of all Americans. Onlt the special intrest he is paid under the table by. And stupid people voted for him. They will regret it in the future! I just hope Democrats will become more organized.
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