Who’s showing more class?. Barry Bonds after hitting his historic 756 home run?. Or the sports writer’s who are trashing his name literally right after his achievement?.
When Barry Bond’s hit his now famous homerun at AT&T Park last night with 56,000 so called Giant’s fans watching ( they are doing bad this year and most were there to witness history). He smacked it over the right field fence. Ran around the base. And thanked his fan’s, family, and the city Of San Francisco for standing by and supporting him. He even broke a tear thanking his father. He would have continued to play, but his manager took him out of the game to enjoy his very special night.
So what does half of the sport’s writing community do? They start bringing up steroid claims, trashing his name, even suggesting an asterisk be placed by the number 756 so that people will forever know that his homerun record is not legit. These same stupid ass fuckers who kissed Mark McGuire’s ass during his great 1998 “63” homerun campaign. A man who nearly half of his own teammates accused of him using steroids. But McGuire has continually denied to this day.
Not one word about the pitcher who threw the pitch for Barry to hit number 755 who was suspended for 10 games for using steroids himself a few years back.
They have made Barry Bond’s their unofficial steroid’s poster child. Throwing every accusation along with the kitchen sink at him. Even at his press conference, they tried to trash him. Asking weather he thought his home run title was legit. What a classless question to asked someone in their finest hour!
Barry Bonds has ignored and dismissed all of their hatred and has continued to handle the situation without busting a bat over these fucker heads like I would have done. He HAS NOT been ever charged with using steroids. He HAS NOT in the past 6 years since these claims have ever been tested positive for steroids. Yet no one talks about those who have been caught and those whose numbers should be questioned. I think that if a person hits 56 homeruns one year and then 21 the following should be a red flag. But no. Let’s hate on a man who at the age of 35 when most people are falling from their prime breaks the all time single season homerun record. And continues to hit more than 30 homeruns after that year into his 40’s WITHOUT the use of steroids. Babe Ruth did it in his late 30’s, so did Hank Aaron. But no! Barry has to be juiced up. No one in this day and age could hit so many homeruns. On Saturday, Alex Rodriguez hits number 500 at the tender age of 30 and is on his way to hitting close to 756 in his late 30’s. So people it can be done.
I’ll call it like it is……………these old, white sports writer’s are trashing this man because he has always hated the media, been a cocky asshole since his mid 20’s. And has acted like baseball diva rather than have these vulture’s all huddle around him and get into his personal life. They hate the fact that the good old ol’ days are fading and so are some of those old baseball records that Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron kept for close to 33 years. They want to keep baseball as white, clean, and neat like they did in the old days. The same people who got baseball to change the height of the pitching mound because a black player ( Bob Gibson) was pitching strike outs on fool’s asses and got down to a year shocking 1.72 ERA. The same people who called Jackie Robinson a worthless “nigger” as he stole bases and hit for a 300. Batting average. The same people who said up until 1980 that mangers could not be Black because their people did not have the intelligence to negotiate tough situations on the field. And the same ones who ignored baseball denying rich minorities a shot at owning their own team.
In fact Art Moreno who’s Mexican ( the only minority who owns a team. The Anaheim Angles). Has said that he has not been invited to some of the owner’s functions and has been ignored by the baseball owner community. All 32 owners are old, white and rich, Republican men.
So don’t give me that shit about how much you care about the game and want to preserve the tradition of the game. When racial discriminations is still happening to this very day! You hate the fact that this independent, strong willed, Black man has broken a record by a Black man who NEVER question authority and kept his place like a good house nigger should. I am the last person who wants to use “race” concerning this issue but in this case. It has to be called to the carpet.
Baseball needs an huge overhaul but instead of attacking it’s player. Why don’t some of you “ so concerned “ sport’s writers try to change the ongoing discrimination that still continues to plague the game to this very day. I guess you don’t want to give up those A-list press box seat and special “perks” these old, white owners give you each year.
Steroids do wonders don't they!
the steroids have not been proved. I don't even like baseball but i just think the fuckin hate is out of control.
Hey. I'm witcha Trash. But you can't ignore that Barry was using roids. Now i think that because the media didn't like him. They chose him to the fire. If he was nicer . They would have used excuses like "oh, everyone was doing it so we will forgive him". I don't like bonds at all but Trash don't be nieve.He's guilty and he won't admit it. So 756* sticks with me.
I don't know he used them just as much as you don't! The evidence of so called big heads, body mass, and jailed personal trainers should not be your only proof! Give me facts! No assumptions! Men where hanged for whack ass guesses like this back in da day! In fact Alberto Gonzales has more against his case than Bonds! And G.W says he has not heard any complaints coming from the house nor senate about him!
So give me a break dude! Don't jump on this whack ass bandwagon because everyone is telling you it's right! Wait for the facts and then drop your conclusion!
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