Can it get any worse for whore # 2?! The walls are closing in and the list of people dishing her shit is piling up! Nannies, personal assistants, bodyguards, former girlfriends are talking to the press about Britney's downfall!. And I kinda feel a little sorry for her dumb country bunkin ass! But not too much because this bitch got caught up in the madness and started treating those who where there when she was poor white trash like shit!
Stories of drinking in front of the kids, calling them a "mistake", fucking around with women, keeping the kids up until midnight, and fucking extras can't help her custody case.
I really think the alliance of Britney's mother, K-Fed, and her former manager have their finger in a lot of these tabloid attacks. But once again. Britney caused all this shit! Young and stupid will only take you so far in life! Her ass needs to grow up and quick. Her career has a huge question mark on it's longevity. She could possibly lose custody of her kids, and the bitch is a corset away from having to wear a red "scarlet letter" on her chest!
This whore has to get a high end publicist and a management team to control the spin on this crazy shit. Otherwise this dumb bitch is going to be doing concerts on "Carnival Cruise" ships and selling jewelry on QVC! Wake up, get moving and "get er done" bitch!
1 comment:
US needs to put you on their payroll cuz you just sold me on another copy of the mag...and I can't even stand
ho#2...its got my schadenfreude going.
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