We have had "hot rods", " tricked out vans", souped up "rice rockets" whips rolling on dubs, 22's, 24's, 26's, 28's and now today we have "spinners". Now if you live under a rock or a small town of 200. You might have not seen these hideous entrapment's driving around in your neighborhood. Cars varying from high end " Escalades " to rusted out 1986 "Mustangs". Can someone please tell me why kids are obsessed with rolling down the street on big ass chrome rims that "spin"?!
And people, these bitches aren't cheap! Some spinners can start at $3000.00 and go up to $25,000! And these punks are putting them on pieces of shit cars and thinking it's "da bomb"!
But if young girls didn't hop in them and thinks a guy who has them is "cool". We wouldn't be having this conversation! I have yet to understand the fascination of chicks who adore losers with no to little income rolling on a freshly painted 'whip" and riding on "spinners"! And we all know boys will do and pay for anything if it gets them a shot at hitting those panties!
But guys! If you ain't got a good paying job! Stop fucking up your little to no credit trying to get some over sized and TACKY ass rims. And just get a car that's clean, runs well, and doesn't have a " soccer mom " bumper sticker on the back! Because 10 years from now. You will be looking back and thinking what a jack ass you were for blowing your credit on some stupid shit like that. While you're helping old Mrs. Johnson with her groceries to her new Mercedes as a 28 year old bag boy . Because your dumb ass chose to leave school so you could get a counter job at "Arby's" to pay for yo "spinners"!
I'm outta here!
I have to confess that I love spinners. They are pretty silly but I like them...not enough to buy them but if some managed to come my way I'd accept hehe. The tackiest thing i've seen tho is spinners that were obviously made of plastic, and then there was the homemade wooden spoiler one of these hillbillies made for their ride.
Spinners are fun to watch but you know that they can't roll in the hood unless they are well known. Otherwise the minute they leave the car it's goodbye rims!
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