So today is the 10th anniversary of Princess Diana's death.............yawn! Will we PLEASE let this woman rest in peace! Her sons William and Harry gave a service for their mother this morning. And yes, it was a big "broo haha". Harry called her the " best mother in the world ". What would make Diana happy is that more people would promote AIDS awareness, removing land mines in war torn areas, and doing more to help the poor. Not throwing concerts and big budget memorial services where people can be seen !
And to have the queen at her service was a freaking joke. That old bitch did everything she could to make Diana's life a living hell. And now she wants to come off as a loving former mother in law. And let's not even get started on that ex husband (Prince Charles). He was cheating on her from day one with that old sattle bag Camilla Bowles! For whom he later married. And how the boys must think that their own father who was so cruel and maliputive with Diana turns around and marries that old, rancid, looking whore!
Yes Elton John. We know you loved her. But dude give it a rest. Do some good rather than singing " Candle In The Wind" every time it involves Diana, sitting in your billion dollar mansion with your gay lover............oops husband. My bad! And do something Diana would have been proud of. Your connection with Diana would bring so much attention to her causes. So take off those Prada shoes and get dirty for once in your fucking life. Help some starving kids in Africa.
And don't even get me started on those sons. They have done nothing to keep her causes alive except to grope girls at parties, get drunk in public, and ride their mother's name for media attention for their father's own causes.
So if you really want to carry Diana's name for generations to come. Then stop the sexual harassment's, partying, girl hopping, and smoking weed. And get off your spoiled asses and follow to continue her dream and global causes make your mother proud! Now your mother was far from a saint. But she did try to do some good. Her influence changed so may people's lives and brought needed attention to subject like Bulimia, AIDS, World Hunger, Land Mines, and Leprosy.
So let's move on and try to make this world a better place. So Diana's memory and commitment will not go in vain.
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