Sorry I have been away my dear readers. I have been busy with a nasty infection and have not been in the best mood to trash my favorite whores. Lucky for them. They shall receive a reprieve from me today.
You know something has gotten under my craw since the past few months. I have a good friend who lives in another state. I have known this person for 10 years now and we even once were roommates. During that time . I had a period where I wasn't the greatest of friends. I was late in my rent since I lost my job. Owned a dog that my friend hated. So not to start WW2. I gave the dog away. I got a job and started making money so I became on time again. The person HATED all of my friends but I was supposed to worship and love theirs. And I even respected the roommie situation by never bringing my dates home to fool around ( which was hard for me because I'm such a stud)
So after all that. My friend then tells me that they is moving out and not telling me where they are moving to. Leaves the house in shambles. Takes only their shit and leaves the rest for me to clean up. Two months later the person calls acting like nothing had happened and still took another month to find out where they moved to. Now I understand there are two sides to every story and to this day. That person has refrained from giving a reason ( even though I think the rent drama was the ice breaker). But at least leave with some class about it and since I agreed to an amicable split. Let's share the responsibility of cleaning up the apartment and moving on.
So we have let things past for the past 5 years and now this same person who jumped ship has now decided to be condencending and somewhat obnoxious when it comes to any form of conversation and despite living miles away. I have no desire of ever getting on a plane and seeing this person. Bad blood tends to rise at it's own moment in time and after a ride to a party and discussing it with a another friend. Am I wrong for wanting this madness to end?. I feel once negative energy has flowed into a friendship. Things can and will never be the same. It's like sleeping with your best friend. You know afterwards, it was a mistake that cannot be redone over.
It's sad but I think a new beginning and to move on would be the best way to overcome an otherwise sad a prolonged "doomed" friendship. When a person doesn't respect you as a friend and can't be trusted, kicks you when you are down and disses your friends but can talk all night about theirs . Then you know it's time to roll out in a blaze of glory and break out the streetsweeper hommie. I'll compose a "Dear John" letter ASAP! And folks. You know it will be TTB style!
I'm outta here!
Honestly ttb, friends, friendship, is supposed to make you feel good...if it doesn't then it is probably time to let it go. With what you're describing it seems like way past time to let it go...is this person a male or female? Because the dynamics you describe makes it seem like its a female. Platonic friendship with all that drama...something else there. Drop that shit, and your friend, and the drama...and move on. The only people I've had treat me so shabbily as you describe are husbands that I had to get rid of.
Good luck hon!
Hope you feel better ;)
And I have missed you!
Shiki. You have never been so right! Thanks!
cleaning house is always refreshing :) happy to hear you handled your bizness.
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