Yesterday Barry Bonds broke a nearly 40 year record by tying Hank Arron's "Home Run" king record of 755. A huge deal if you are a baseball fan right?. NO! In fact it seems that 70 percent of the sports community hates the fact that he has tied and can even break the record. And why? STEROIDS!! Sportswriters and the press has slammed Barry because they believe the man used steroids to get to that number. YET..........no one has come out and said " I saw Barry Bonds used, buy, own, or even give steroids to anyone".
When Bonds was asked during a Congressional hearing if he had used steroids. Bonds admits that he may have been given steroids but was not aware because it might have been mixed with other nutritional supplements. There you go.........end of story. So because of that one statement. Barry has become the poster child of the 'steroids" era! Despite several other players who have used and been caught using "roids". Barry is the big Black fish they want to destroy!
All dumb ass excuses have been used such as head size increasing, violent mood swings, body mass increase, and improved numbers since smacking the 73 home runs in 2001.
Barry Bonds head size HAS NOT increased! He is wearing the same hat size since he came into the big leagues.
Barry numbers have ALWAYS been great. It was his home run numbers began to increase after the 73 home runs he hit in one year. DESPITE the fact that Barry was receiving random testing since 2002. All test have proven negative.
Barry's mistress claims that he had violent mood swings during the 2001 period and he sold baseball memorabilia under the table which led to a tax fraud investigation. Yet this ho is asking "Playboy" to pose nude and has been selling her story to the highest bidder. And not one police report from her claiming domestic violence or any abuse.
Not one person has jumped over Mark McGuire (63 home runs). Nor Lance Armstrong (7 tour De France wins) even though France has claimed several times that he used and should be investigated.both white athletes and ass has continued to be kissed to this day. Bottom line is that Barry has NEVER been nice to the press and because he doesn't kiss their ass. Barry has pulled out of his shed, tied up and brought to the gallows. So the media has done their best to disgrace his name, piss on his achievements, and tarnish his place in baseball history.
When people can PROVE that Barry took steroids other than whack ass hearsay and speculation. Then give me a call! Otherwise leave the man alone and let him enjoy his great achievement.
I'm outta here!!
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