It looks like this nasty, crack headed, freak ( Flavor Flav) is getting another chance to inappropriately touch young girls asses and act like he's looking for love! VH-1 has green lighted a 3rd "Flavor of Love"! This guy is just fucking nasty. Why do women keep degrading themselves by doing this piece of shit. Come the fuck on! The guy's got 7 kids by 5 different women. And is a 50 year old played out "hype man"! He has no talent other than coining the phrase Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Boyeeeeeee!
And has no class, no social skills, and no taste! Yet there are women who are obviously just trying to jump their own sad and pathetic careers. Knowing you are never going to get far in Hollywood being a whore for Flava Flav. I can go on and on talking shit about this fucking nasty ass moron but I won't. Just giving him this much media time is a second too much!
Fucking 50 year old man with a big ass clock around his neck that doesn't even work......... just pathetic!
1 comment:
you touched on a subject that i actually feel strongly about. I hardly watch tv but when I do watch one of my guiltiest pleasures is the Surreal Life. I watched the flavor of love, its like a fuckin train wreck, and I have to say I was thoroughly disgusted by the misogyny rampant in the show. One theory I had was that the LDS were behind the show, to try and mainstream the whole idea of multiple wives and women without autonomy. Whatever the story the show is absolutely disgraceful, flava flav is absolutely disgraceful, and the sad sad attention whores who go on the show are absolutely disgraceful. But some people will do anything to be seen on tv
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