The Army has establish a " quick ship" bonus to new recruits to go over Iraq. A new recruit can be paid $20,000 to join up, go through a speedy boot camp, and be shipped to Iraq and see combat as soon as three weeks! You have got to be fucking kidding me! We are paying our youth to basically gun to their own deaths for what is only the price of a VW Beetle! And the sad part. Kids are taking them up on their offer! Have we turned our American families to poverty to where our kids have to risk their lives for small cash?! These are not kids who decided to do a patriotic duty towards their country. These are kids who are in it for the bucks! And anyone knows who has been served by these teenagers today know they could care less about words like "compassion", "dedication", "hard work", and "respect for others". So who knows what these under trained and uneducated bastards will do when the shit hits the fan in a shootout!
The Republicans are doing everything they can to avoid a " draft". They would rather put us in the red and bankrupt our country than just pull out our troops out of Iraq! And this is just a sign that we have thinned out our troops and have no reason to continue to create such a killing field for our soldiers!
This war would end in one day with just one word................"draft". No one wants to put their children in harm of something so ridiculous as this war has cursed upon each and every American family.
It is so essential that we keep on our representatives to support a pull out of Iraq. We went in there based on lies and now we have placed ourselves in something that we can never get out of. Iraqis death increase but we rarely here about it because "they are just Iraqis". We have destroyed homes and people who still live in Baghdad have remained in fear for more than 4 years now. It's time to stop this fucking madness and bring our troops home!
1 comment:
I agree with you on this one TTB whole heartedly. It makes me cringe when Bush says what happened in Vietnam is why we should stay Iraq. What happened in Vietnam should have kept us out of Iraq. I mean is he crazy? Did he see the same war I did or not? Prolly not since it is so easy for him to send our kids to the slaughter.
To hell with a draft. I've got teenage sons. All I can say is draft=canada and mexico better guard your borders.
This imperialist manifest destiny bullshit has gotten old.
Bush is shitting on every American and to me everyone in the world. We should be learning to work in an international arena as global partners.
I wonder if Sadaam Hussein killed as many people as have been killed since we saved them. Or will have been killed when we are through freeing them. They are so lucky.
And US paying kids to be targets. Sickening. Times like this are so shaming. I get embarrassed to admit I'm American lately and that does not feel good.
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