Another axis of evil steps his ass down! Alberto ( I'm a joke) Gonzales resigned for his position as Attorney General yesterday. An end to a fucked up tenure as one of the WORST AG's in U.S history. Bush has the gaul to say that " it's sad that we live in a time when a talented and honorable person" is impeded "from doing important work." Now that is the best joke old GW has dropped on us since comparing Iraq to Vietnam.
I guess good ol Alberto must have smelled the fire coming closer to his imaginary wall of G.O.P delusion. The fact this asshole kept his job this long is amazing.
Gonzales gave a powerful performance telling the press "I have lived the American dream." The first Latino to helm the Justice Department said his "worst days as attorney general have been better than my father's best days." He can remember how hard his father work years ago but can't remember authorizing the firing of federal D.A's for not going along with the Republican program!
It looks like the rats are leaving the ship. Poor Bush. All alone without his congress, Rove, Rumsfeld, and now your long arm of the law Gonzales.
Now I am worried. Who is going to protect us from Al Queda?! I guess the same imaginary ghost that protected us during 9/11!
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