I was sitting at home and decided to watch A&E's The Two Corey's . Have we sunken this low to where now Hollywood is making reality shows on one hit wonders?. Who next? A show based on what happen with the "Fact's Of Life" girls?!
The show is really sad. Corey Haim is a walking train wreck while Corey Feldman is just a pussy whipped clown. And if I was Feldman. I would kick that tool Haim to da curb in a heartbeat. Especially when Haim thought it was a brilliant idea to do a " Lost Boy's" sequel. And when Feldman told him that there was one in the making that didn't include either one of them . Haim cried like a hopeless little bitch!
What is the world coming to?. Bring back Knight Rider or Knots Landing. Anything but this crap!
I'm outta here!
my best advise to you would be get rid of your television.
Keep a telly or two to play DVDs on, but otherwise, that is absolutely unnecessary. I barely watch tv, I have no clue as to what comes on...nor do i care. Not much happening in the way of quality tv for a while. Take this oppourtunity to do different things...like read Chuck P's newest, RANT. done in the style of an oral history it is captivating and remarkable for the layers of history that it pulls back.
You know Shiki. I got an advance copy of that book and I must tell you. I liked it alot! It's a great read. And you don't have to tell me about T.V. It's for people who want to escape their lives after working 12 hours a day and getting NOTHING to show for it! I can't explain it enough that people should start reading again!
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