Nothing is more embarrassing than getting pulled over by a cop. Especially when you are drunk. You know it's going to be bad. A long wait in a dirty courthouses. A cold, and heartless judge who will throw the book at your ass. And community service washing police cars that seems like for hours.And don't forget about the A.A meetings and the huge fine you will have to pay. It's going to be hell for the next few months...................... but not if you are a celebrity!
Baby! You got it good! You can drop some cheddar and roll right into a "so called " strict rehab program where you not only able to go bike riding, river rafting.And the hardest thing you will be doing?. Cleaning your room and moping a floor. Things your ass would do at home! And what's great about it. You get time served credit! Which means, no to little jail time. And you can tell the press how hard you worked and what a life changing experience rehab was.
So when I see Lindsay's whorish ass frolicking in the sun and being able to go shopping being treated like her ass is at a fucking "Sandal's" resort. It just makes me sick. No one in this fucking country wants to do anything about the obvious stellar treatment people with money get versus the average Joe! It's like saying " you can't do anything about the weather".
French citizens hunted down the hierarchy during the French Revolution and chopped their fucking heads off! Now I wouldn't go that far..........unless it was necessary! But people need to voice their displeasure to the local leaders you vote for every year!
God I hate these whores!
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