Don't even get me started on this shit. This bitch(Nicole Richie) served 82 minutes in jail yesterday after being charged with driving the wrong way on a freeway DRUNK! But the big question is. What is happening to the Los Angeles Sheriff's department?. They are a fucking joke!
They keep using excuses that the celebrities are getting the same treatment as regular inmates. But time after time . Former inmates in the L.A Sheriff's system say that they have served longer terms for similar offences and have done excessive amounts of community service. So it's obvious that Sheriff's department has a separate justice system for those who have money. And what about the judges?. It seems that they are in awe that a celebrity in is their court and they practically bend over backwards to accommodate their high profile defendants.
Starting with O.J Simpson and working it's way down. The Department says that lack of funding is the reason why they can not improve their jails. They cannot afford to hire new officers, or update the size of their jails. So means that they're criminals doing no time in jail for their crimes.
Which means if you don't kill a person in L.A. You have got a good chance of spending spending only a few months if "that" in the slammer. So carjack you ass off! Rob those old ladies! Mug the handicap! And bitch slap that employer you always wanted! Because in L.A! You got it made! Get handcuffed, take a mug shot, and be home by dinner!
I really need to move!
I'm outta here!
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