Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The reality of living after 9/11

Are we going to talk about the subject of 9/11?! I really don't want to. It was horrible what happen to those people who perished on the horrific day. But living in this country since then. I beginning to think that they might have been the lucky ones.

Seven years of Republican rule has brought me to the brink of madness. Their constant lying to the American public. Their backroom, sneaky deals with CEO's and the rich. Their complete overall incompetence dealing with subjects as terrorism, the economy, out sourcing, dealing with deadly products being sent from China, victims of hurricane Katrina still being "ignored", invasion of our privacy, immigration, public education, unemployment, dealing with the corrupt health care industry, major tax cuts for the rich, and world issues have just made me sick to my fucking stomach!

And yesterday when general "major puppet" Patreas got up and gave us some bullshit lie about the progress in Iraq. As well as telling us a small deployment might happen in Spring 08 ( you know as well as I do that it is NOT going to happen) will leave this country in such a debt. It will take YEARS to recover!

And look at us! We eat 99 cent, hormone induced, Wendy's chicken sandwiches on toxic wrapper made in China because that is the only thing we can afford! Corporations have taken our regular jobs to China and India. So if you don't have a collage degree and can't speak Spanish you are basically fucked! Regular families are forced to rent now since they can no longer qualify for a home loan unless they have a perfect credit score ( and really! WHO DOES).

And kids are being taught by teachers whose salaries equal that of a seasoned 5 year employee at Mc Donalds! The media is telling us to keep our cars longer because we will not be able to afford to up keep the price of a new car. And this administration keeps telling you that Iraq is the central office of Al Queda ( that's funny. I thought Afghanistan was). And we should never pull out. Never mind that Al Qudea is chillin in Pakistan and you don't have the balls to fuck with a politically unstable Muslim country with NUKES!
So do I sound like Mr. Gloom?. YES! And will this country ever get it's head of it's ass and do something about it? I do not know. I lost confidence in this nation the minute they re-elected that dumb ass for another 4 years! Bible freaks! Was stopping gay marriages really worth having your right to privacy taken from you?.

And to top it off. Most of these high moral bible freak leaders in office are sucking dick in bathrooms and sweet talking teenage boys on the Internet! What a great example of great Christians values!

Osama might be right! I just might turn to Islam! It can't be any worse than the shit we have going on over here!


Anonymous said...

Wow! That is a really powerful statement Trash. I feel the same and feel sorry for this country. Everyone is so fucking focus on what Britney is doing that they care less about the 150,000 men and women who are protecting our freedom in Iraq. I hate Bush with a passion. He is a criminal and the media is scared shitless of this man! So I applaud you for telling people the truth.

NonyMouse said...

The "War on Terror" like the "War on Drugs" is a dismal failure. How can the top terrorist in the world think he can legitimately stamp out terrorism? George Bush, his administration, cronies and all the asshats who voted for him have made America even more universally HATED than before. Rather than stamping out Terrorists we are creating them with our gov't evil imperialistic agenda. Sometimes I think Bush and the rest of the Christians are trying to bring about the whole Apocalypse thing.
It really seems that the world is entering another "Cold War".
I read in the news that the Bush regime is working up plans to lay the smack down on Iran to topple their regime.
Bush is taking us all to hell with him. The last months of his nightmarish presidency seem to be trickling by.