Sunday, September 23, 2007

How Cute!

I come back from temple and began to read my comments and I was SHOCKED! It looks like a right winged A-Hole has decided to pay me a visit. And boy was some of his comments just as colorful as a warm rainbow over a PTL church on a Sunday morning! Using every racist, Jew hating, homophobic and bible thumping comment he could think of.

It just amazes me that we have people who live in this country with that type of mindset. Now I could go off on the small prick ass moron! But I WON"T ! Because yesterday was Yom Kippur. The day of atonement. And I just cleaned my plate for last year and I don't want to get it dirty just yet.

The guy is too small minded to trash and I really do love comments. Even if it from someone who thinks a good time is to make out on the couch with his cousin in his mother's trailer home while listening to Toby Keith! I guess there is not much you can do with that third grade education and teeth so fucked up. They should be placed on a horse!

Ok Trash! You said you were going to be cool.

Nothing is cool about ignorance! I will prey for him to get help and learn how to use a map. So at least he will know where South Africa is.

I'm outta here!


NonyMouse said...

i love you!

you really are such a diamond of a human being! god bless you TTB

Trash Talking Bastard 9.0 said...

No Shiki! I LOVE YOU! Thanks for the love!