So I am sitting a waiting to get my hair cut . I look to the right out the window and see this horrific sight. There is the hot looking girl looking like Beyonce wearing almost nothing in this tight, short, yet revealing blouse and the tightest jean you could imagine. Now you are saying to yourself....." ok , what is wrong with that?". The most gross and horrific sight was her overweight, bad weave wearing, blouse way too tight, thong showing skirt,ugly as hell, nasty girlfriend with her.She was flowing her finger through her fake-ass Korean weave and acting like she was hotter than than her friend. And then had the nerve to look at me through the window as if I wanted her ass.In fact I think she told her friend that I was checking her out.Yea, I rather fuck a pile of dirt than get on top of that woman.
Now, I am a man who believe if you are a big girl and you feel you are cute that is fine. BUT!! your big ass can not go shopping at the same places your skinny friends go. If you are a 16, a 8 is not your size. No man wants to see that. If fact "NO HUMAN" wants to see that. Now most women will say that they are dressing for other women rather than men. So Please tell me where are theses women who think tight clothes on a big girl is sexy?. And that thong looked like a piece of string that was begging for it's life to be ended. All caught up in that cottage cheese ass of of a woman.
Now, big girls of the world. Let's stop the madness. If you have a friend who happens to think she can pull off a size 6 in a 18 body. Tell her "NO". There are a lot of big, beautiful women who dress well and can cover themselves with class and look sexy at the same time. So cover it up and wear it well.
And PLEASE!!!!!! Let's not cut pennies on the fake hair. It is supposed to look at if you mama had some Indian in her. Naps and pony hair do not go together.
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