Well this geek who co-writes his blog with some bored housewife who uses her highschool photo because no one who looks like she did and lives in Georgia.
Ok, back to this so-called blog. So this guy is blammering about how California is a black hole and starts off with a lyric from some whack ass song.
I love when people complain about California but couldn't take their ass anywhere else like a state that has snow, serious heat, or hurricanes. You live in the best state in the nation and stop your complaining.......Shut up bitch and go get some tanning lotion!! So anyway, this bitch is writing about how lonely he is and has been single for 3 years ( from his pic on his site I know why). Then he goes into this mega long blog of 80 things he wants in a woman.
First of all..............HOW PATHETIC!! Second, got a tip for ya. 1# She has to be breathing on her own. And #2 She doesn't start off by saying "this is a cash sale". So I decided to finish up his 80 by adding my 5 more to help get him in the right direction. Yes , they were slightly mean spirited . But hey.........My name is trashtalkingbastard.com what do you expect.
So I go back to the site and they are magically gone ( what a surprise). Now of course he put a block on my posting and his whack ass dictatorship called Mojo Shivers will go on ( oops I said his blog name....My bad) . Now I won't go into our founding fathers sermon of freedom of speech and yada, this and yada that. But I say hey!! If you create a blog and have a comment section ( and yes It may be a whack, immature and ridiculous comments you have read).
You should show your other viewers ( aka: cyber,scifi geeks) who visit your lame ass site who responds and guess what, that guy maybe saying what other are afraid or do not want to say. And if not the guy is fair game and your fans ( all 3 of them) will defend your tired ass comments about the perfect girl. Hey donut it's called a BLOG and not some dating service or some journal of viewing how a retard goes through his day.
So yes Mojo, you are lame and like I told you on your whack ass web site. I hope you find that girl. In fact I heard she may be thawing out in the Swiss Alps after being frozen for 5000 years. So congrats "Homjo" You are my " Bitch Of The Month". Wear your title with pride crumb. It may land you a date ( let's not push it).
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