"Flavor Of Love" is so fucking ghetto yet watching this former crackhead( the jury is still out on the word...former) and these simi-decent looking hoodrats keep me tuned in. What is with America ( including myself) fascination with "Crackheads". First it was "Anna Nichole", then "George Bush", then "Bobby and Whitney" and now ......."Flavor Flav". Each show is like watching a fucking car wreck and wanting to see bodies fly out of the car. Every episode just keep showing how low will these women go to get a broke-ass/ has-been crack head's attention. Flav has no to little moneyto show for himself( especially after he goes on one of his regular crack binges). He has 6 kids by about I have no idea how many baby mama's.And that face is just way too fucked up to mention. Bottom line the Nigga is just worthless.
But yet we keep watching him slop down crab legs at "Red Lobster". Grab these girls ass, breast, and any thing else these low self-esteme ho's will let him touch. And this weeks episode with "New York" tounge kissing him for 8:27 minutes was disgusting!!!! I nearly ran to the bathroom and threw up. And God please no more shirtless episodes with Flava!! I've seen better bodies on roaches. But yet I keep watching. Only to see who this dumb classless fuck end up with. My wish is for either "Hottie" or " New York"........those two crazy bitches deserve to be with a dime-store joker like him.
Oh by the way. Watch "Flavor of Love" on Vh-1 ( check you local listing)
Just be careful.......it may hook you in.
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