Now I bet you are saying to yourself.................."Ok Asian Reckless Driver in LA. Tell me something new Trash". But this bitch had the nerve to get out of her car and starts yelling at the old lady. At the same time her stereo was blasting "Laffy Taffy". Dude, I just wanted to drag this cheap weave wearing, shorts to tight for her flat ass, stupid bitch and throw a Diamond Dallas Page "Diamond Cutter" on her ass. Not for the reckless driving and the way she went after that old lady.............But for blasting the piece of shit song "Laffy Taffy". That has to be one of the dumbest songs to date. What lack of brain matter is causing people to purchase that shit? It has no real beat, no lyrics, and sounds completely illiterate. It must have taken "DL4's" dumb country asses 5 mins to write that crap. I can see her ass before the accident. Just getting off the phone with her girlfriend "Lin" talking about all the cute "potatoes" they are going to see tonight at "Dave and Buster's"
Slapping on that cheap ass "Lacombe" Desert Rose lipstick( which is her wrong shade) and going " Shiiiiiiiiiiiit I betta turn my jam up"! As Laffy Taffy begins to come on the radio. I want her dead. Hey girl................This one's for you!!!
the "Diamond Cutter".
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