Saturday, October 13, 2007

Crazed Bitch Opens Her Mouth Again!

This bitch is sick! Mann (drag queen)Coulter is a crazed and nasty looking shithead! But what is even more sad. People buy this bitches books! And to say Jews should be "perfected"! I want to personally choke this bitch!

The notion that Jews are religiously inferior or imperfect because they do not accept Christian beliefs was the basis for 2,000 years of church-based anti-Semitism. ....the idea that Judaism needs to be replaced with Christianity and that each individual Jew is somehow deficient and needs to be "perfected" is rank Christian supersessionism and has been rejected by the Catholic Church and the vast majority of mainstream Christian denominations.

If there is a heaven. Do you think I would want to go to the same place that allows this cunt behind their pearly gates?! A place that hates anything that is different than them. A place that condemns those who are different?. A place that would allow Bush, Cheney, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Haggart, Newt, Rudy, and Romney?. No thanks. If that is the case. I rather burn in hell. Like my boy Lu would say......Hail Satan!

Ann Coulter is a pathetic homophobic, sexist, racist, anti semite bitch! Thinks women should not have the right to vote, and now pissing on Jews! Where does it stop?. What has this country sunken to when this bitch has a book that's a "bestseller".

Fuck her, fuck the people who bought her book, and fuck those who think the same way!

I'm outta here!


NonyMouse said...

Yeah, I read that crazy bitches statements and my jaw dropped. The sheer stupidity of what she said is amazing. Unfortunately I think that stupid cunt said what a majority of these bible thumping, hate spewing, right wingers actually believe. I hate the fact that Christians thinks everyone should be like them, when Christians don't even believe in the same things. I don't care what brand of fairy tale and mythology that other people want to believe, just leave me out of it.
Religious freedom is what this country was founded on, religious and personal freedom (for white landowners at least) not Christianity. But obviously we aren't dealing with the brightest bulbs on the planet, they actually believe Mary was a virgin and that the world has only been around a few thousand years. I will end my rant by saying,

Lu Cifer, @Lu666Cifer said...

Hey TTB, if ya wanna jack any links from go nuts, that's why they be there! After all, I "stole" them from other blogs so fuck it!

Also, the Dems/Progressives/Liberals who shy away from going on shit talk shows on Fox "News" COME ON! MAN IT UP! Get in their face, show them you WILL NOT back down from the TRUTH, because that is one of the few ways to combat such INSANITY that these "liberal" media outlets allow from their cum-dripping mouth-pieces like the mAnn!