Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Flags Of Their Fathers!

This is America! If mexico is so good they should go back, because I dont want them here if their loyalty is to mexico. If they stay they will turn this great country into a ghetto just like mexico.

Really! How many people knew it was illegal to fly another flag over the US! Do you think he did that on purpose?! This fucking nutcase vandals a persons property and is called a "hero"?! If he was such an enforcer. He could have walked into the store. Told the owner of the law and request he change position of his flags. But because he is a racist scumbag who couldn't lower himself to speaking his trailer trash English to a Mexican American. He decided to pull a "Rambo" with his WW2 Army surplus knife ( which looked like a boy scout knife) to form his own kind of justice! These are the type of fuckheads who support Bush and are still think it's 1953!

This fucking country is going to shit! The comment above was a response from a viewer who saw this bullshit on You Tube! People need to stop blaming Mexicans for this countries problems! Why don't you blame yourself for being stupid enough for voting for a fucking chimp for president!

I'm outta here!

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