Wednesday, December 17, 2008


The people of New York smell nepotism! And want NOTHING of it!

A new poll out Wednesday suggests there is no clear favorite among New Yorkers on who they think should replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate — and despite the buzz over Caroline Kennedy, the soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat is not necessarily hers for the taking.

According to a new survey from Siena College, 26 percent of New York voters and 30 percent of New York Democrats favor another potential pick with a famous last name — current New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo, the son of former governor Mario Cuomo.

Andrew Cuomo is by far a better fit to be the New York senator rather than a liberal socialite who is afraid of the press and hates public speaking. If Governor David Paterson elect Kennedy. You basically leave it open to a Rudy Giuliani attack for the 2010 senate seat election which he would eat her up alive.

Of course Barack Obama has kept his distance concerning the choice for Kennedy for the New York senate seat. But that is nothing new. Obama tends to stay far away from ANY controversial choices and this won't be the last. The man is already showing lack of back bone. Say what you want about GW Bush's dumb ass. He at least had the balls to speak his mind and stand behind his cronies.

I really don't think this Kennedy selection is going to pass. She is NOT qualified to hold such an important seat. I hate to say it but even Sara Palin has more experience. Just because you are a Kennedy does not mean you can pick and choose what the hell ever you want outside of Massachusetts! I hate to slam Caroline because I like her. But she would be huge mistake for a New York senator right now.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

OBAMA DOES IT AGAIN........... to the right!

President-elect Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony will feature minister Rick Warren announced Wednesday.Warren, the prominent evangelical and founder of the Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, will deliver the ceremony's invocation. The minister hosted a presidential forum at his church last summer that challenged both Obama and Arizona Sen. John McCain on a host of faith-related issues. Warren did not endorse either presidential candidate.

His public support for California's Proposition 8 — the measure that successfully passed and called for outlawing gay marriage in the state — sparked the ire of many gay rights proponents, who seized on a comment in an October newsletter to his congregation: "This is not a political issue — it is a moral issue that God has spoken clearly

Are you kidding me? A pastor who supports abortion, and was for Prop 8 and did more than Mormon church to pass that homophobic bullshit?!

And after knowing all of this. You select a Republican friendly evangelical pastor to deliver your invocation. A pastor who set you up for a killing during your first and only failed debate discussion with John McCain last summer. Warren made you look like a bumbling fool! When you cowered down to whether you supported abortion was one of the saddest events during your campaign. And you select him? And today you select YET another centrist to your cabinet (Colorado Sen. Ken Salazar). Making the total now to four viable senate seats that could move to Republican hands in the next two years.

It's getting more worse by the day. He has made no choices that would have been different if Hillary Clinton would have been the president elect. In fact. Hillary is in good company since she personally knows his entire cabinet! Obama! You just keep setting yourself up for a Palin 2012 landslide my friend. STOP KISSING REPUBLICAN ASS AND START SELECTING MORE PROGGESSIVE VOICES!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Damn! I wish that shoe would have knocked his ass out!

Just when I thought my holidays were going to be shitty. THNAK YOU IRAQI REPORTER for making my holiday! Next time aim for the dome!

Monday, December 08, 2008



Liberals are growing increasingly nervous – and some just flat-out angry – that President-elect Barack Obama seems to be stiffing them on Cabinet jobs and policy choices.

Obama has reversed pledges to immediately repeal tax cuts for the wealthy and take on Big Oil. He’s hedged his call for a quick draw-down in Iraq. And he’s stocking his White House with anything but stalwarts of the left.

This shit is starting to concern me. It's beginning to be some Clintonesque bullshit going on! You select a bunch of Clinton cronies and even select one as your Secretary Of State. You back away from liberal policies and now you have YET to hire one in your staff.

Just remember fucker that liberals busted their ass to get you in the White House. Don't fuck up and start catering to the Republicans who called you liberal since day one and who are ready for you to fuck up. You ran on "change" and "hope" buddy. But right now it's looking more and more like the same.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Bullshit About Prop 8!

God I love Wanda Sykes. This prop 8 bullshit is for the birds. People need to come correct and allow people (two consenting adults) to marry.

But let's not get it twisted. Black weren't the only people who voted for this shit( Jews, Hispanics, Asians and a shit load of Whites). All put their marker on the "yes" button. This bullshit about Gays having the same rights in a civil unions instead of a marriage is NOT TRUE!

Civil unions does not extend to property, medical, and adoption rights to a Gay couple. If a partner becomes sick. His lover does not have rights to speak in his behalf nor does have any rights when it comes to the lover's affair in the case he or she dies.

People have to come to the fact that marriage by law is NOT religious right. Church and states should NEVER mix and allow discrimination towards ANYONE! If these religious freaks want the country to honor the bible. Violation of honor thy mother and thy father should be punishable by death. Sleeping with another man's wife should be punishable by death. Weren't these the commandments that God emphasized in the bible? Oh! Don't be ridiculous! We would never follow the bible that seriously?

Well then what in the fuck are you doing now you fucking hypocrites?!The church said it was wrong for minorities to marry Whites?. But yet we changed the laws because it was wrong! The government once believed Blacks should be treated like cattle and were to be considered two/thirds of a citizen. But yet we changed that law because it was wrong. Denying Gays to get married is WRONG! Plain and simple!

I'm outta here!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The sun is shinning. People are smiling.And Karl Rove,Sean Hannity,and Rush Limbaugh are pissed off beyond belief.

Life is GOOD!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Sara Palin now can haul her dumb ass back to Alaska and John McCain can drink his Ensure and a huge glass of Obama Kool Aid! Because this shit is OVER!

This is historic and through such a shitty and evil campaign done by the Republicans. Barack Obama is now the next President Of The United States!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Palin/McCain lies about tax increases

Despite their claims of tax increase by an Obama/Biden ticket (which are PURE LIES).The Obama camp has created a web site that shows all Americans what their taxes would be under his administration.

Let's face it. Palin/McCain "maverick" show is desperate. With Obama's lead increasing in key states. They will try every dirty scheme in the book. It is important for those to vote early and get others to vote. Request to take the day off or come in later to work. NOTHING should prevent you for making your vote count.

We need to end this bullshit Republican streak of lies,manipulations, and shitting on the credibility of American politics. Let's end this shit Nov 4th! Send Sarah back to shooting animals from planes and McCain back to the old folks home!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Reason # 876, and 877 Why I will NEVER Vote For McCain!

When you have three of America's biggest "Village Idiots" supporting you as president. Close up shop and call it a day. Heidi(Horse Face)Montag, Spencer(King Douche)Pratt and Elizabeth (Dumb Bitch) Hasselbeck joining your cause is not a good thing. It's worse enough you have Palin opening her dumb ass mouth still talking about how she has so much executive experience than Barack. But yet NO ONE has even tried to go to Alaska and see what her job details of on a regular basis. They are willing to take the word of a person who they have known for two months. Yet questioning your party and government and paying more taxes is considered "un American".

Her party will just take her word that what she did in Alaska was "important". Despite being the Mayor of the " Meth Capital" of the world, Husband was in a secessionist party, State pays her $17,000 a month to live at home but yet has cooked the books to show that she can the US tax payer for hotel expenses and plane fights for her daughters. And don't get me started on the so called plane she sold on EBAY that she was still flying on the plane when she could not sell it.

And our dear "Maverick" McCain has spent the last two week avoiding any discussions regarding his agenda if he becomes president. We do know that he will give you a $5000.00 credit for health care that you will need to get in your car and travel to another state to use. Heaven forbid you are close to death and you live in LA and your doctor is in Phoenix.

Tax plan that still helps the rich and fucks over the poor,will DO NOTHING to stop outsourcing our jobs to foreign countries, and will cut social programs so that we can pay the "war machine" to continue this joke of a war in Iraq. Eight years and counting and still Bin Laden "not caught". Nor will he. Because he is NOT IN IRAQ! McCain spent a majority of his senior military career as a POW and yet he is an expert on "foreign policy". Give me a fucking break. He is about as much as military hero as my uncle who was a POW in Laos. I guess he could run for president as well.

I'm just sick of it. I respect a person for not voting for Barack because he was Black and they did not like him rather than the penny ass excuses that this GOP ticket has to offer. I'm not going to say 8 years of the same. Because it won't will be worse!

I'm outta here

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Can I Please Choke The Shit Out Of Elizabeth Hasselbeck?!

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I am sick and tired of Elizabeth Hasselbeck stupid ass! Why did Barbara Walter decide to put such a dumb bitch who known for just being a reality show "has been"! Put her in the spot light to spread her true ignorance is amazing.

I thought her ass was leaving the show?! PLEASE DO! FOX NEWS needs your dumb ass now! Because this bitch knows just about as much about the word " fair" and "balance" as FOX News does.

To even suggest that Barack kicks it with low life's when John McCain goes on Hawaiian vacations with CRIMINALS (Charles Keating)is a fucking joke.

You know when it's bad when dumb ass Sherri Shepard yells back at you. Last week Barbara told her dumb ass off, month ago Joy Behar put her in her place, and now Sherri. Elizabeth. If you even had a logical response about Obama...what am I thinking. You could never have the capability for a logical thought!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Jack Cafferty is PURE GOLD!!!

For a man who voted for Bush in 2000. There is so much respect that is limited to give to Jack Cafferty. But the man knows how to call it!

BOTTOM LINE: Sarah Palin is a JOKE! She's NOT QUALIFIED to run her mouth yet alone a country. Her choice for VP was an insult to women voters,the middle class, and the 350 million Americans that she would be responsible for if McCain kicks the bucket!

I can't say enough about how a woman who is being "used" by the Republican Party as a desperate attempt to gain female voters. She has done everything to avoid the press and when her chance does arrive to battle against Joe Biden at the debates. She will be "exposed" for the village idiot she truly is!

The sooner she gets back on that plane to Alaska to go "moose hunting" the better!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hillary and Sarah...........

I can't tell you how much I laughed my ass off watching this skit. Tina Fey was made to do Sarah "Pageant Moose Queen" Palin.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Honestly! This Palin bullshit is about as tired as McCain's energy record! She is a JOKE, A SHAM, and A PLOY! You have to hand it to Karl Rove's team working with McCain. The swift boat politics the Republicans are running is disgusting and just shows what a pack of evil ass liars they are. That old fucker who has the nerve to ride this "lipstick on a pig" comment to gain poll points just show you how revolting his campaign is!

Coming from a man who used the same fucking "lipstick" comment FIVE FUCKING TIMES within less than a two year period! And one was describing Hillary Clinton!

Obama needs to ignore "Caribou Barbie" until Nov 7th. She is a non entity! She is a farce who needs to take her thin she's smart talking ass back to backwards ass Alaska where she came from! The only people who live in Alaska are:

White Supremacist
Animal Killers
Grizzly Bears
The bones of Timothy Tredwell
Oil Employees
Escaped Convicts
Cult Followers
Idiots who love the "cold"
and hopefully Sarah Palin in 09!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Great Use For The Dollar Bill

Nothing burns my hide more than watching "wasteful spending". But what sickens me more is watching it come from Republicans. And even worse "Republican Lobbyist". To see this bitch wrapping gifts with actual dollar bills to give to political officials is a crime that should be punishable by DEATH! I guess it goes with her gifts of actual US flag/car wash chamois and the roll of quarters "door stops".

Burn in hell bitch!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin My Ass!

I just keep telling myself..."are they fucking serious"?!

Let me begin to say this woman is so fucking sad that I really feel bad about what I'm going to say.

She is riding on the sad fact that because she is from a state that is a barren wasteland. Acting as if she an all time executive, experience,professional! McCain choice in this heffa is a joke. It's like taking a small business owner to run a Fortune 500 company. This woman is a walking GOP voter....not a vice president.

She had an opportunity to speak to her fan base tonight at the GOP convention and her speech was about as exciting as warm water enema! Her rhetoric about Obama and her telling of her pathetic tale of how she was managing a 10 million dollar budget as mayor and running a state that has less people than the city of Los Angeles who acts like she can tackle running a country of 350 million.

Treating McCain as if he was the ONLY POW in Vietnam ( my uncle was a POW in Vietnam and I wouldn't vote for that nut case if my life depended on it). Calling Obama a "community activist" despite the fact that Obama served 7 years in the Illinois senate before becoming a US senator. And someone so responsible a good mother that she allowed her 5 month old baby to stay up past 10pm for her speech just for a fucking photo op! I guess she's one of those "great mothers" who brings her newborns into rated " R" movies so he can cry through the entire film!

Bottom line. The bitch is just unqualified. Fuck all this shit about her having more executive experience than both Obama and Biden. If that's the case, she has more than McCain since that old fucker has never ran a state either! But to act as if she is some kind of experience leader to run this country is about as lame as McCain choosing her. Just because the bitch ran a huge state with one of the smallest population in the union does not give you a "one up". If that is the case The mayor from Los Angeles, Dallas, New York, Miami,Chicago, Cleveland, and ANY city with 500,000 more citizen can run this country. And if that's the case....would be MORE qualified than her dumb ass! Very little opinions on how she was going to tackle healthcare, economy, world affairs, poverty, and education. Sh just spent 15 minutes trashing Obama. So basically......the GOP has NO AGENDA!

The fact that she has voted to deny woman equal pay in the workplace, ban abortion, and place GOD in political decision is NOTHING woman voters should be thrilled with!

BOTTOM LINE! Bad choice.............Democratic victory in November.

Monday, August 18, 2008


When I too read the fact that Angelina was on the fence about who she was going to chose for president. It did make me sick to my fucking stomach. Thank God Roseanne has put the shit down and correct!

Jon Voight is a frightened little girl in a pink ballet tutu, who acts like Obama just wandered in from the rain forest with a bone thru his nose and a communist pamphlet in his loincloth. The neocons who own jon voight and make him dance on the chabad telethons are the worst most elitist people on earth. glen beck and jon voight are their bitches... both of them are used tampons who must be flushed down the toilet immediately! jon voight your evil spawn angelina jolie and her vacuous hubby brad pitt make about forty million dollars a year in violent psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more. (just sayin').
Also miss jolie says she likes mccain too and hasn't decided who to endorse....huh? Aren't you supposed to be somewhat enlightened, or do you not know that the african daughter you hold in every picture had parents who suffered and died because of the republican party's worldwide economic assault on africa over the last few decades since reagan? whaaaa...??????!!!! (for that matter, the thai and vietnamese sons you are photo'd with weekly too!!!? who's pictures you sell to raise money to help the poor? Their families are victims of America's right wing military incursions too. Mccain wants to continue with the idea of war for profit...the americans are over that thinking now! They have drugged our troops and lower classes into supporting their oil business atrocities for long enough. We want to save not lose our souls thank you. Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death. might be good for your asian and african children's self esteem to know you support a brown man for the leader of the free world.)


Sunday, August 03, 2008


I love Angie and Brad....but I have to draw the line! LET'S STOP WITH THE FUCKING BABY COVERS!!!

Yea, yea! You have proof you can produce children! But is the money really worth having your child under so much attention and scrutiny?! There used to be a time when a celerity would protect their kids privacy at all cost. But by introducing your kid to the press will only bring MORE press, MORE stalking paps, MORE security to protect your kids from freaks, and MORE drama!

And most importantly. WE ARE ALL FUCKING SICK OF IT! And what I love the most is that these are the same people whining about the lack of privacy.

So Brad and Angie. Please spare us the family pics. Save them for your photo album....NOT in my face at every news check stand on the freaking planet!


If you know me. Nothing I like better than trashing a well tanned "douche"! And New Jersey shores are filled with them! I have only met one really cool guy from Jersey. He had it together. I helped him get a divorce, joked around and called him a closet homo and my other friend told him what I said and now are friends no longer ( Yea, I know it was my fault for calling him a homo when I knew he wasn't but he had this roommate who was a total closeted queen but that's another story).

So when I saw this ad for the new reality show " Guido Beach". I was in love! 6 new people that I will LOVE to hate! Over tanned, spiked hair, too much cologne and popped collar! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The smell of raw sewage on the beach!

YES! I will be watching every episode religiously!! That's liquid gold!"


In what could be a very manipulative and tricky move by the McCain team. John McCain's presidential committee has asked for personal documents from Congressman Eric Cantor (VA) for a possible VP spot. Testing White, Red Neck, Christian Americans ( which count for 38% of the population) into asking the overall question " Who would you vote for.....a know it all Nigger or a sneaky, untrustworthy Jew"!

Eric Cantor is a filthy as they come. A Virginia congressman is a 45 year old rich, Jew who is for big business, no taxes, pro Israel (of course),anti health care, anti social programs, pro offshore drilling, pro staying in Iraq for 100 years, pro leaving the economy alone and letting it go to shit, pro trading jobs and products with China, and anti everything else. The guy is as GOP sleazy as they come.

And I can see the 5th grade mind set of the McCain team. "We need to win over the Black hating Jews vote in Florida"! So with the edition of White washed Cubans, the Democrats banning your primary elections and old Jews. That would put you over the top in a much needed Florida presidential election. But you may ask yourself Johnny boy. How will this show play in the Bible thumping states such as Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Mississippi where a Jew is practically considered one of Satan's offspring?.

And just think how choosing Eric Cantor is going to fly in the ARAB STATES?! Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria would be in a "Jihad" comatose. Every vacationing American would be a bulls eye target anywhere there is a minority or a majority of radical Muslims ( I guess I'll have to put off that trip to Egypt for another 20 years)! And the flood gates would be open for the great Christian Armageddon the faith based conservatives have been waiting "years" for! But the good thing is McCain could take every Saturday off like Cantor would for " Sabbath"!

And it's a very shitty way to once again divide a nation ( something Whites have done for generations....divide and conquer). And widening the cultural gap between Blacks and Jews which at one time worked together to pass civil rights legislation in the 50's and 60's ( Think of how much wonderful shit would have happen for this country if both sides would have stuck together to erase racial hatred and work for a better America).

What is such a fucking joke is how the McCain of 2008 is such a cheap, Chinese made product of the McCain of 2000. Broken, useless, and glued back together by blood for oil based GOP glue. We all know that 2000 McCain would want nothing to do with the 08 one. He's pathetic, sad, and desperate. Eric Cantor is just one of the many LOWS his team have come up with and it's just August. If Eric Cantor's selection does happen. I hope this shit once again back fires on McCain's dumb ass BIG TIME!!

I'm outta here!

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Now I am not the most thrilled person about Obama. He's only a bit smarter than John Kerry and the way he is acting. He just may end up like Kerry......losing by a landslide!

The problem is this. The Republicans are in full high when it comes to their infamous " smear tactic". Calling Obama " Arrogant", "Snobby" and (of course) using the race card to benefit his campaign.

So what does Obama do to answer the critics......he says " It's a bunch of nonsense". Which is the WORST THING YOU CAN DO IN THIS CAMPAIGN!

To think that your average voter is just going to ignore these accusations is about as stupid as saying " It's a bunch of nonsense". Think about it Obama. The same people who you think will not fall for this shit VOTED FOR BUSH! Half of this country has the brain matter of a fucking ferret on crack. And unfortunately, the right to vote does not require an IQ!

Just sitting back and not coming hard against these ass wipes is the worst thing you can do. You need to come down on them and come down HARD!

The list is long and lengthy on what you can hit John McCain and his cronies with. The first is one word.........BUSH!!! Shouldn't that be enough?! But of course not. Here's a few to entertain the masses:


How long can you run a country on fear, ignorance, and 911?.

The shit is getting old. Obama..... Wake the fuck up and fight before you see your know it all ass back in the Senate!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Is this really the best you can do Mc Nazi?! Because a politician is popular enough for people to rally behind. Your old hating ass and your cronies come up with weather or not he is fit to be president?.

So you want us to continue borrowing 10 billion a month from China ( let us not forget....a COMMUNIST COUNTRY) to pay for the war?. Reagan would be sooooo proud to know we have been sucking on China's dick for the past 7 years! Republicans=Hipocrits

You want us to fill our shorelines with off shore drills so that our gas can be lowered by...oh I don't know...10 cents a gallon?!

And have Chinese businessmen buying foreclosed homes to not only decay the slogan of "Made In America" to now " Owned By Communist China"!

So this is what people have to look forward to under a McCain Administration.

And oh yea......Osama Bin Laden is STILL AT LARGE!!

You fuckers are an embarrassment to the political process!

I'm outta here!


Yes! I feel a bit evil today.
Yesterday we had a slight earthquake here and despite it just being a slow roller. It got me thinking a bit about what direction I would like to see TTB go in the next few months. Because of this joke of choices we having running for president ( Yes......I am not big on Obama but sure as hell not voting for McNazi). TTB feels the need to go political once again. I have been doing these entertainment blogs on Why-Space which feel a bit enjoyable...but not fulfilling to say the least. I feel it's time once again to let out some steam. To go back to my roots. To tell it like it is. To be the nasty, vicious, asshole who had an everyday beef that has made me who I am today.
It's late here now so I shall end it short. I'll be back for some more damage later this week.
I'm outta here!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


This Democratic campaign has been pure ASS! The Democrats have once again are showing that they have no reason to lead and may even yet lose another important presidential race. And who's to blame?. Well you will be surprised by my answer.......the American people!

To allow this joke of a party to split between Hillary and Barack rather than try to focus on the issues that effect our country is appalling! Who gives a fuck if Hillary can't remember if she was a victim of sniper fire. Or if Barack preacher is a racist! These are not the issues that concern me or even you! In fact. What the fuck has it have to do with anyone?! We are now in the month of April. and NOT ONE of these candidates have given us a issue that that is a strong enough case to beat John McCain! (who is a flip flopping warmongering hippocit) just has to sit back and watch the bloodshed!

The economy is going to the dumpster and we have had 8 years of a dumb ass who has turned our economy into shit. And while people are losing their homes. We have dumb ass rednecks worried about if Barack is Muslim or unpatriotic?! How many times does he have to tell these dumb asses that he grew up as an AMERICAN who went to church! And when he tells a group of liberals that these dumb asses grip on to their guns and bibles because this administration has mind fucked them so bad to believe that it is the only thing that is dependable. They had a shit fit. Yet once again. What the fuck does that have to do with running this country?!And what the fuck does a "flag pin" have to do with forein policy?!

I saw Elizabeth Hasselbeck on "The View" today criticizing Barack for not going over to Iraq to see the situation himself?! BITCH! Your dream man George Bush had never even left this fucking country before 2001! And he has yet to travel over there without a team of 1000 soldiers guarding his back! Unless your ass is going to walk down the street and sell Falafel. There is no reason to have to prove your worth for just hoping over on a plane and staying for two hours and thinking you are a fucking expert! I have never been to Darfur, but I know the place is a hellhole that is systematically committing genocide and the world could give a rat's ass! I guess I should fly over there, stay a few hours in a U.N military compound. Drive a few blocks with an armed caravan, never talk to a single citizen who is suffering there, and fly back. Then I would be considered an expert on Darfur!

And don't even get me started about other issues like social programs, immigration, out sourcing, China, and the rise of unemployment. Now Barack is not spared from my wrath either! He hasn't discussed like his rivalry how he is going to get our troops back in ample time from Iraq and how either one of them are going to stop allowing companies to take hard working jobs out of this country that is the main reason why we have to work harder get paid less! Our unions are being depleted to almost nothing in this country! Our medicare system is a fucking joke! To be billed $850.00 for a 10 minute visit should be punishable by death! Gas prices that are fucking each and every American! Food prices reaching all time highs. And all we can talk about is this stupid and asinine talk about who is going to bow out and become VP in a race that you might even LOSE!

All the McCain has to say is "911, I been to Iraq 5 times, I'm a Vet, I support tax brakes, I love God, and I love Regan" and he can basically just start selecting color swatches for the presidential bedroom at the White House! While both Hillary and Barack's dumb ass go back to being the ineffective Senator's they have been before this shit began!

I'm outta here!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Who Let The Dogs Out!

You have got to be fucking kidding me. This fucking Nazi in Mormons clothing had the NERVES to haul his ass to a Black neighborhood for a well planned photo op ?! And then try to take a picture and say " Who let the dog's out "! Are you fucking kidding me.

When are people going to realize that the Republican party DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE! That was probably the first time his racist ass walked into a all Black neighborhood and stayed there for 10 minutes! I bet he had to take a long shower to get off that " Negro smell "! He one time had the nerve to say that when he heard that Martin Luther King died. He was in his car. He was so devastated that he pulled over and cried. The only problem was that this dumb bitch was in Michigan at the time and said it was in 1972! King was assassinated in 1968!

The fact that he and ALL the rest of his Nazi Republican candidates for president REFUSE to even attend NOT ONE Black sponsored debate nor has any of them attended NOT ONE rally that has featured a large minority presence! And of course NOT ONE of the candidates has mention solving the issues or problems going on in the Black communities! So how disgusting that this fucker would even DARE show his Lilly White Ronald Regan worshiping ass in a Black neighborhood to pander the few delusional and confused Blacks that do vote Republican!

When Super Tuesday arrives. I do hope your ass is out of the race! You are a fucking joke and your policies border on the lines of Adolf Hitler and Jim Jones! You make me sick you rancid piece of shit! And I hope your party fall straight on their collective asses come November! Seven years of bullshit and I'll be damn if we get 4 more!