Get it, because he's holding a banana? Hilarious. Mr. Indie was stopping off to fuel on his way tooling around LA yesterday. I'm still trying to focus on how cute he is rather than how annoying he was doing interviews for The Ten, so pictures like these definitely help. At least it looks like he reacquainted himself with his razor -- and the beard was part of being unemployed post OC -- so could it be that he's on his way back onto a set (despite his empty IMDB page)? He was reading a script that one time. Fingers crossed.
Now most of the time I try to to comment on my boy Adam Brody ( the A-list STAR from the former hit show "the O.C"). I know him quite well. In fact I can say I know him better than most of these so called close sources. When he was at the peak of his hit show. A lot of people where on his jock about being too thin, too geeky, a Jewish nerd, and a boring date. When he was named Teen People's Sexiest Guys. Everyone was kissing his ass and trying to get to know this mysterious and sexy guy. And when he was dating the lovely Rachel B. People were hating on him and wondering why a geeky guy like that would pair up hottie like her?.
So when the show went off the air the same time he broke up with Rachel. People said she was only with him because of the show and his career is OVER!
Now I got this BITCH on a weak ass Internet gossip blog dissing my boy while wishing him luck for getting work because from his IMDB, he's not working. First of all bitch! IMDB information comes from the actors agent or the studio he or she might be involved with. If he is setting up his own production company or doing small projects. It might not show.
And so the fuck what if he is not working?! Ya boy is doing fine and enjoying the fruits of his labor from busting his ass 14 hours a day 6 days a week on a sound stage in Manhattan Beach for a show people turned their backs on!
So excuse the fuck outta me if Adam isn't around Hollywood getting high or drunk and running into cars so your punk ass can talk more shit about what a train wreck his career has become.
Unlike 95 percent of these young Hollywood jokers today out there. Ya boy is staying out of trouble, not trying to be seen, not calling the press and telling them where he will be that day, and not being a pure asshole.
And if he wants to keep a beard of look like shit that day.Then what does that have to do with you or anyone else? Adam doesn't have a stylist, a fashion designer who gives him free clothes or a high powered publicist. He is just an actor who is living his life the only way he knows.
So to all those dime store gossip sites who feel they are part of the Hollywood machine. And feel that gives them a right to talk shit about a everyday actor because his IMDB is empty. Go fuck yourself! Of course I speaking for Adam who is a fine actor and a righteous human being!
And for your annoying ass comment. You try to sit in a hot room for 10 hours answering the same dumb ass questions about your personal life, so called failing career, and not being taken seriously in the industry because of your age!
I'm outta here!
How can anyone be shitty to Adam Brody? It just boggles the mind. Some people will pick on anyone. But who knows maybe we'll see him in the surreal life house in not too long, that will surely pump up his career and IMBD page. Or Paris Hilton is looking to get preggers next year, maybe if HE sealed the deal and became Paris' baby daddy... well just imagine the buzz. You may want to suggest that to him when you speak to him next.
And another thing. I like Adam Brody, he was the only thing that made Mr and Mrs Smith bearable.
Brody looks like a crack head. But if you like him Trash. Then he is ok with me.
I am a HUGE AB fan and that sucked what that web site said about him. Adam is a great actor and his is hot as hell. So please tell Adam he has fans out there who love him and support him 100 percent.
You rock Adam!!!
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