NEW YORK - A request by Iran's president to lay a wreath at the World Trade Center site next week has been turned down by police and blasted by U.S. diplomats as an attempt to turn ground zero into a "photo op."
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is to arrive Sunday to address the U.N.'s General Assembly, asked the city and the U.S. Secret Service earlier this month for permission to visit the site of the Sept. 11 attacks.
The request to enter the fenced-in site was rejected because of ongoing construction there and due to security concerns, police spokesman Paul Browne said Wednesday.
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said a visit to ground zero "is a matter for the city of New York, but it seems more than odd that the president of a country that is a state sponsor of terror would visit ground zero."
"President Ahmadinejad intended to lay a wreath at the site of ground zero in order to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorists attack of Sept. 11, 2001.
Iran had NOTHING to do with 911!!! There are NO Al Queda camps in Iraq! In fact weren't the terrorist from Saudi Arabia. I bet those rich Saudi prince's can practically take a piss down there and not turn a fucking head! Ahmandinejad is a dignitary and president of a fucking country. What the fuck is wrong with the fucking country?! Guliani and Bush can tote their ass down there for numerous photo ops and shoot out all that bullshit pro-American 9/11 propaganda.
The man was going down there to pay respect for the dead. And we continue to have this ridiculous us vs them mentality that is truly fucking up this country and our world status. We are supposed to set an example to be the "good guys". Not some fucking NAZI state that this asshole Bush is trying to establish!
And we can go into a country like Iraq and blow up Mosques and religious monuments to weed out "insurgents" but we can't a foreign dignitary access to lay a wreath down on a place that has taken 6 years to rebuild and has yet to even lay down the fucking concrete foundation on?! How insulting! And you wonder why Middle East countries hate our asses!
Now some of you Bush loving freaks will say " Hey! What about the British soldiers he held hostage last year or his country providing arms to insurgents to use against our military in Iraq?!" First of all. Those British soldiers WERE IN FORBIDDEN IRAN TERRITORY! They try to act stupid and claim that they were not. But when the satellite maps were presented. They were so deep in Iran and they knew it. Bottom line. They had to sweat it out and they were let go. And as far as the insurgent issue. We have yet to prove that Iran is selling them weapons. We know some Iranians may support the fighting due to the Sunni vs Shite situation. Just like we provide arms for Israel to blow up huts and apartment buildings used by so-called Hammas terrorist in Lebanon.Who are to say we are any better than they are.
But this "ban" is a fucking joke and Americans. You better fucking wake up and smell the coffee because the bad Karma we are dishing out. Is only going to come back and bite us in the ass!
whoa. at first I thought you were agreeing with that bullshit. I really think its utter bullshit that he was denied to visit "ground zero". Utter ignorance. I think it would have been a good thing, relations are spoiled enough as it is. It seems we have no use for diplomacy any more.
More FAIL on the part of our government.
I'm so ashamed.
This is gross Shiki. I feel really sorry for this country right now. Bush and his cronnies have pissed on this countries credibility. We will pay for this shit for years to come. Moving to France is looking better and better to me.
If George Bush was denied acess to any global monument. He would have a hissy fit! And this country would be up in arms! Some Americans in this country are such huge hipocrits!
Anonymous. You have no idea how foolish you sound.
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