So. I am having dinner at one of my favorite old collage spots due to having a craving for some rally good Seafood. So minding my own buisness and all of a sudden this guy taps me on the sholders and says......." Hey, are you Keith?." I turn around and start to remember the face but what I can not get over is the fact that this fool still had a .............MULLET!!
In fact that I did know that guy and he will go nameless due to hiding that fact I want him spared from the shame ( Bill Simpson). Opps, my bad. So anyway. I knew him from back in da day in high school. Now I don't want to give away my age but let's just say.........that was in fashion when I was going with my Duran Duran t-shirt and K-Swiss shoes with matching Member's Only jacket. But what annoyed me so much is that not only was that a fashion " No-No" . But the fucker had grew to a portion that I thought the fucker was going on tour with the music group "Journey".
So you know I am trying to avoid this guy who still looks like he rolls into " Fantastic Sams" to get his rug trimmed and starts to bring up the good old days. Now I like to remminesse like any other guy but DAMN!! looking at that Mullet any longer , I thought I was going to hop in my "Ford Fiesta" and hang out in front of an 7-11. So I kept is short and sweet and he went on his way. Before he left I asked him what is he doing now. He told me........"Oh, I am a Best Boy at 20th Century Fox and I just finished up working on "X-Men". Damn people........you never know.

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