We had a great time and again lots of laughs. But then again we all know a good first date does not always mean a even better second date. So tonight we went to a place called " El Cholo's" which is home to some of the greatest Mexican combination plates and Margarita's around. It was somewhat busy considering that it was Oscar night. So we had to wait for a table which was told to us would be 30 mins.
I being the smooth operator I am. decided to order a pitcher of Peach margaritas and a order of some of their world famous nachos. We chatted and I notice that she was drinking a lot more than she should. The next thing I know, she was plastered and speaking with that all so famous "drunk girl" slur. Our table was ready and I escorted her hoping that she would be cool about being slightly drunk. She told me that she had not eaten since Sat night and she has satyed up all night with her best friend.
Next thing I know she is throwing up and vomiting on my suit coat. The waitress came over and helped her to the bathroom while the busboys cleaned me and the table up. Thirty mins later she returned and try to act like nothing had happened. I asked her was she ok and she looked at me like I said her mamma was a whore! She then said in a low and yet forceful voice " don't embarrass me". What ?! Bitch you must be out of your mind!!! I am trying to see if your drunk ass was ok and all of sudden you are going to try to put my ass on blast about EMBARASSING YOU?!. I just said to myself........ok just let it go and make the best of it.
So we ordered and she then decided to try to punish my ass by trying to hit my wallet with ordering a lobster and crab fajitas and a small salad with two tacos on the side, one shot of tequila, and something sweet for desert. She is by far not a big girl ( 5'5, 110 ) so you guys know when the ladies are throwing your ass a good old fashion "Whoop em Up Style". And that sweet lady I met last week turned out to be " Ms Satan". The conversation was short and blunt and you know she did not eat 20% of her meal. Then she said that she would date a Black man but would not marry one because her parents would flip.
That's when "Operation Kick This Bitch To The Curb" went into full effect. when that bill came. I paid MY HALF and looked at her and said " Uh honey, yours came to $43.23". She then said "Opps I only have a hundred". Which followed me going " opps, I have change". She ordered another shot and decided to want to go to the bar for " Another Drink". I then looked at her and said " Didn't you have enough allready?." She then used some words I care not discuss on my site in fear that I will think about it and go back to her house and pull an " Ike Turner" on her ass and beat her with a white boot . Let's just say this....... I said a few choice words myself and left her ass there at the bar.
Well there you go boys and girls another sad ending to TTB love connection. But there was a good thing that did come out of this..........she left her car keys and house keys in my car. Can you say 1-800- LOC-SMTH?.
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