The very same "HATERS" who attempted to trash Barry Bonds reputation are at it again. This time in a so-called tell all book that details Barry's steroid abuse. His jealousy of Mark Mcguire, and his so called HORRIBLE personality. And of course that racist rag Sports Illustrated backing this " Fiction" and treating it like it was fact are going full force in publishing excerpts from this waste of a tree book. The mere fact that not one of these accusations have even the slightest of proof nor have no material record that Barry Bonds was even using steriods in the first place.
The ridiculous and un-professional behavior of theses so called journalist should be at question and not Barry Bonds home run record or his level of performance. Barry Bonds was rated before his 71 home run record one of the greatest players to play the game in the 90's. Only Ken Griffey Jr came close. He had placed himself in the Hall Of Fame way before he his a single home run in the infamous year.
But somehow we always seem to go back to what Barry is doing. Jose Conseco went on record and gave a laundry list of players who were using steroids ( Juan Gonzales, Rapheal Palmerio, Sammy Sosa, Jason Giambi, Gary Sheffield, and of course let's not forget America's great white hope " Mark Mcguire") No one has even remotely come down hard on this guy who withing his last 7 years of baseball went from a skinny fatheaded goofball to a muscle bound freak. No one has yet to come down on him, nor the others that have been questioned. And waht about those who smacked home runs before only to dissapear such as Brady Anderson ( 52) Shawn Green ( 48) Mo Vaughn (50) Larry Walker (49). I guess those were "REAL" homeruns and we can cause those as fact not due to steroid use.
The real reason is this........the media has hated Barry Bonds from the very time time he kicked them out of the clubhouse when he camed to the Giants in 92. They have hated the fact that he did not need them. He was one of the greatest. He didn't need to kiss their old, white, viagra using asses.He distance himslf from the white players on the team. He had his own chair which no one could sit in. And his own TV that only he could watch in the clubhouse. They hated the fact that he was cocky, arrogant, successful.......and black.
So this steroid issue was great " smoking gun" to dismantle his record and his greatness in being one of the best players ever to play the game. Ty Cobb was an evil, racist who used the word "nigger" like it was saying "hello" but never do the media tries to damage his reputation the way the get after Barry Bonds. There are alot of arrogant assholes in baseball. But the racist media loves to jump on the biggest black prize winning bull in the pen.
What Barry did will and can NEVER be taken away. When your racist asses are dead and buried. His record will stand. When the French claimed that Lance Armstrong was using steriods not one American reporter try to prove or dispute their claims. But now it seems we have interview with people who gave someone drugs to a person who was close to Barry Bonds but yet no purchase reciepts, no first hand witnesses who saw Barry take these drugs. Not one of Barry's personal trainers claiming of such use...........no one. Only people who manufactured, and sold drugs to other doctors and trainers who know Barry was using.
It would not hold up in a court of law so they decided to use the sports buying public as their jury. Hate all you want you dickless fuckers because the month of march "BOTM" goes to authors Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams for their joke of a book.