Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After President Obama Non Address to the Union speech. The Republicans decided to bring out the BIG GUNS to give their Republican response. And who did they use? THIS FOOL! He looks like a fucking Matradee at a cheesy Indian restaurant!

And that speech. What five year old retard wrote that bullshit?! The Republican pundits are now distancing themselves away from this speech and have been criticizing all this week. Even Republican "House Negro" Juan Williams said the shit was whack! Governor Booby Jindal gave the same old "tax cuts, no big government, Democrats love big spending" speech that cause their party to go into the dark ages! Once again, no REAL solution and to keep using Hurricane Katrina reference and blaming the federal government for the slow response (that's funny,I could have sworn there was a Republican president that was in charge of the federal government at time of Katrina).

This dude was supposed to be the future of the Republican party. Uh, I don't think so! This guy is someone who I would take their fucking lunch money in grade school! You gotta give the Republicans credit. They have now have a house Negro (Micheal Steele), a hockey mom (Sarah Palin) and now have a Indian Matradee in charge of giving their same old tired ass agenda. Their party is a fucking JOKE!

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