Wednesday, July 30, 2008


YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Is this really the best you can do Mc Nazi?! Because a politician is popular enough for people to rally behind. Your old hating ass and your cronies come up with weather or not he is fit to be president?.

So you want us to continue borrowing 10 billion a month from China ( let us not forget....a COMMUNIST COUNTRY) to pay for the war?. Reagan would be sooooo proud to know we have been sucking on China's dick for the past 7 years! Republicans=Hipocrits

You want us to fill our shorelines with off shore drills so that our gas can be lowered by...oh I don't know...10 cents a gallon?!

And have Chinese businessmen buying foreclosed homes to not only decay the slogan of "Made In America" to now " Owned By Communist China"!

So this is what people have to look forward to under a McCain Administration.

And oh yea......Osama Bin Laden is STILL AT LARGE!!

You fuckers are an embarrassment to the political process!

I'm outta here!


Yes! I feel a bit evil today.
Yesterday we had a slight earthquake here and despite it just being a slow roller. It got me thinking a bit about what direction I would like to see TTB go in the next few months. Because of this joke of choices we having running for president ( Yes......I am not big on Obama but sure as hell not voting for McNazi). TTB feels the need to go political once again. I have been doing these entertainment blogs on Why-Space which feel a bit enjoyable...but not fulfilling to say the least. I feel it's time once again to let out some steam. To go back to my roots. To tell it like it is. To be the nasty, vicious, asshole who had an everyday beef that has made me who I am today.
It's late here now so I shall end it short. I'll be back for some more damage later this week.
I'm outta here!