Boy has this thing got out of hand. Israel is not playing this time and once again a Jew life is worth 100 Palestinians . Now I am not going to take sides because both parties are WRONG. But if I need to speak up for the civilians and Hamas. Israel was still sending assassination teams into Gaza to kill prominent Hamas leaders a year before this conflict arise. And Israel was making it more difficult for embargo and trade to go in and out of Gaza. Which would cause the Palestinian people to stay in the same poverish state it has been since Israel withdraw out of Gaza years back.
Hamas has found it quite difficult to set up shop in Gaza and a well armed and well financed Gaza could cause trouble for Israel in the future. So it's a flip coin toss that will only lead to someone not getting their way. Bush is packing boxes and making travel plans for Texas and ain't thinking about this shit. Pass that buck onto Obama and let his ass try to make some "change". Hillary Clinton first task will most likely be trying to stop all this mess. France has stepped in and has requested the UN to get involved and try to arrange a treaty.
And of course all these "Jesus Freaks" are grabbing their bibles and hoping that the "antichrist" Obama is going to start the war so the apocalypse can begin and they can ride up to heaven and deny rights of other inside the pearly gates. Because we all know Jesus loved for people to go to big churches and have pastors who made millions while they don't have a fucking pot to piss in!
Back to the Palestinian people...........
This has to be a really horrible public relations move for Israel. Already 512 Palestinian deaths and more uncounted for. And for what?. Israel to look like they are "bad asses" in the Arab world. Without US backing Israel would have been a speck on the history books and New York would have a shit load of Deli's,Dry Cleaner, and a ton of Alteration shops. Yea... I said it!
Israel is gonna have to chill because there is no way in Hell that they are going to make Hamas disappear. And those families of the 512 lost lives are never going to be joining the Pro Israel fan club any time soon. The more you attack Gaza. The more worse you make it for yourselves in the long run. Because we all know Arabs don't back down and will hold a grudge for as long as they can.
Pull out. Stop bombing the shit out of mosques, universities, and schools. Hamas knows that these are places to hold up shop and if they are bombed those doing the bombing look like the animals. Rockets aren't shot over to Israel because Hamas feels it's a good day to take out hundreds of Palestinians lives with counter attacks! If you can't talk to them. Send someone in there who can. Despite what we think. Hamas ain't going nowhere. So diplomacy is really the only option. You are in the middle of a Arab sandwich over there and one wrong move can cause a Jihad like no other.
As for the US. Stay out of this bullshit. We got enough problems of our own. A nation that is teetering of bankruptcy and a over spent military. This is the recipe of how great nations take a dive and a new one rises from behind. In other words.....you betta recognize!
I'm outta here!
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