We should all learn what men want from high priced madam. They know men's shallow desires and what sleazebags John's will pay for. At least that's what I thought...........
Kristin Billie Davis who ran the infamous Wicked Models escort service (the escort service that brought down former New York governor Elliot Spitzer last year). Gave her words of wisdom to Steppin Out magazine in which she describe which big time celebrity female star would bring "top dollar".
1. Britney Spears: If she cleaned herself up maybe I could get a thousand dollars an hour for her. But if was the old Britney before she went crazy I could have gotten $2,000 easy.
2. Paris Hilton: She would get $1,500 an hour. She's slender and doesn't have implants. She's blonde and I could get away with selling her as a Ford model.
3. Beth Ostrosky: I like Beth. She's tall and blonde. It's always a homerun if I can get a girl who's 5'9” or above. She's usually perfect. Beth would be in the upper ranking. I could get $2,000 an hour for her easy.
4. Katie Holmes: Katie would be very popular because she has that All American, college girl look. She would be super popular. Men want girls who look like Howard Stern's wife; the tall slender model type or they want that non-flashy, classically beautiful fresh face young look. The girl next door whom they could never get. They want the runway model they can't have now, or the prom queen they couldn't have then. I could probably get $2,500 an hour for Katie. Maybe even $3,000. I could max out on her.
5. Angelina Jolie: She would be my top girl. I call it my “Number one.” I would put her at $2,000 an hour. But you couldn't get her unless you booked her for 4 hours. I wouldn't let her go for just an hour. Maybe if you were a good client you could get her for an hour, but I would charge a lot more. At least $2,500.
6. Sarah Palin: (Laughs) I wouldn't have any market for her. She couldn't work for me. She's cute, but not for my kind of clients. There are escort agencies that specialize in specific kinds of demographics. She could work for a cheaper agency. Maybe a $300 dollar an hour type agency. I would call her a mid-range escort type.
7. Playboy Playmates: I had many Playmates call me for work. Many! I'm talking about centerfolds. But I would only work with 1 out of 5. Usually, their boobs are too big or too fake looking. They look too California. For the most part I wouldn't use Playmates.
8. Lindsay Lohan: She would do great! She's got that fresh face and freckles. Men would eat her up! I could get $1,800 an hour for Lindsay….Easy! I would let her go for just the hour. She would work more volume for me. Short stays and busy all night. But I'm sure I could get clients to extend time with her if I asked.
9. Rihanna: I think she is stunning and gorgeous. If I were a client I would choose her. But honestly, I don't have a market for her. She couldn't work for me. It's unfortunate. The African American and Asian models never do well. Rihanna wouldn't bring in any business for me.
10. Melania Trump: She's hot. She would make a lot of money. But the one problem with her is that men don't like Jewish women and eastern European women. So I would have to lie about her nationality. Maybe say she's from Amsterdam or Sweden. Otherwise she would have trouble getting work. I would also change her name. I could get $2,000 an hour for her if she played along and didn't let it slip where she's from.
Are you fucking kidding me? Britney, Paris and Lindsey would get a decent paycheck but Rhianna wouldn't?. Are men that fucked up in the head where they think if you clean up a white skank, she is a fairy tale goddess?.
ALL three of those skanks would give up their tainted panocha's for FREE! Rhianna is first of all "gorgeous" and has legs that go on forever! And most importantly would look good on your arm on a big time dinner outing with the boss. She would keep quite and when she did talk that island accent of her's would drive a man wild. Those other dumb skanks should only open their mouths to accept dick in large quantities!
Imagine having to talk to one of those skanks before you began "sexy times". I would be calling that agency for a refund the moment Paris talked and definitely would have once she opened her legs. Unless I was a CDC agent and wanted to confirm if STD's could talk once they have claimed a vagina! Paris clit wouldn't be talking...that tainted fucker would be singing Chumbwamba's " I GET KNOCKED DOWN BUT I GET UP AGAIN! AND THEY NEVER GONNA GET ME DOWN"!
And don't even get me stated on Britney. She would be talking about how the price of Cheetos have gone up but gas prices have gone down. And why don't airlines sell Cheetos on plane flights! BITCH! Get out of my hotel room at once! Lindsay would just sit there and talk about how hot she was and how much money she has made so far that month. I would have smelled her "coon" even before she undressed and asked her to leave. Called that escort agency and asked that fake titay bitch madam to find another profession!
But this madam is only giving her East coast clients. I think Playboy models would go big business everywhere else. There is a reason the magazine is still in business.
The shock is the prices these horny fools would pay just to have a pure,blonde, white woman is really pathetic! Men are really fucking sad. So is that madam. She has the "nerves" to talk about FAKE TITS! And that face has more makeup than Bozo the fucking clown. Thank God her brothel was not in Wasilla, Alaska. Sarah Palin would have thought her ass was fucking moose and shot her in the face!
I'm outta here