This Democratic campaign has been pure ASS! The Democrats have once again are showing that they have no reason to lead and may even yet lose another important presidential race. And who's to blame?. Well you will be surprised by my answer.......the American people!
To allow this joke of a party to split between Hillary and Barack rather than try to focus on the issues that effect our country is appalling! Who gives a fuck if Hillary can't remember if she was a victim of sniper fire. Or if Barack preacher is a racist! These are not the issues that concern me or even you! In fact. What the fuck has it have to do with anyone?! We are now in the month of April. and NOT ONE of these candidates have given us a issue that that is a strong enough case to beat John McCain! (who is a flip flopping warmongering hippocit) just has to sit back and watch the bloodshed!
The economy is going to the dumpster and we have had 8 years of a dumb ass who has turned our economy into shit. And while people are losing their homes. We have dumb ass rednecks worried about if Barack is Muslim or unpatriotic?! How many times does he have to tell these dumb asses that he grew up as an AMERICAN who went to church! And when he tells a group of liberals that these dumb asses grip on to their guns and bibles because this administration has mind fucked them so bad to believe that it is the only thing that is dependable. They had a shit fit. Yet once again. What the fuck does that have to do with running this country?!And what the fuck does a "flag pin" have to do with forein policy?!
I saw Elizabeth Hasselbeck on "The View" today criticizing Barack for not going over to Iraq to see the situation himself?! BITCH! Your dream man George Bush had never even left this fucking country before 2001! And he has yet to travel over there without a team of 1000 soldiers guarding his back! Unless your ass is going to walk down the street and sell Falafel. There is no reason to have to prove your worth for just hoping over on a plane and staying for two hours and thinking you are a fucking expert! I have never been to Darfur, but I know the place is a hellhole that is systematically committing genocide and the world could give a rat's ass! I guess I should fly over there, stay a few hours in a U.N military compound. Drive a few blocks with an armed caravan, never talk to a single citizen who is suffering there, and fly back. Then I would be considered an expert on Darfur!
And don't even get me started about other issues like social programs, immigration, out sourcing, China, and the rise of unemployment. Now Barack is not spared from my wrath either! He hasn't discussed like his rivalry how he is going to get our troops back in ample time from Iraq and how either one of them are going to stop allowing companies to take hard working jobs out of this country that is the main reason why we have to work harder get paid less! Our unions are being depleted to almost nothing in this country! Our medicare system is a fucking joke! To be billed $850.00 for a 10 minute visit should be punishable by death! Gas prices that are fucking each and every American! Food prices reaching all time highs. And all we can talk about is this stupid and asinine talk about who is going to bow out and become VP in a race that you might even LOSE!
All the McCain has to say is "911, I been to Iraq 5 times, I'm a Vet, I support tax brakes, I love God, and I love Regan" and he can basically just start selecting color swatches for the presidential bedroom at the White House! While both Hillary and Barack's dumb ass go back to being the ineffective Senator's they have been before this shit began!
I'm outta here!!
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