The people of New York smell nepotism! And want NOTHING of it!
A new poll out Wednesday suggests there is no clear favorite among New Yorkers on who they think should replace Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Senate — and despite the buzz over Caroline Kennedy, the soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat is not necessarily hers for the taking.
According to a new survey from Siena College, 26 percent of New York voters and 30 percent of New York Democrats favor another potential pick with a famous last name — current New York attorney general Andrew Cuomo, the son of former governor Mario Cuomo.
Andrew Cuomo is by far a better fit to be the New York senator rather than a liberal socialite who is afraid of the press and hates public speaking. If Governor David Paterson elect Kennedy. You basically leave it open to a Rudy Giuliani attack for the 2010 senate seat election which he would eat her up alive.
Of course Barack Obama has kept his distance concerning the choice for Kennedy for the New York senate seat. But that is nothing new. Obama tends to stay far away from ANY controversial choices and this won't be the last. The man is already showing lack of back bone. Say what you want about GW Bush's dumb ass. He at least had the balls to speak his mind and stand behind his cronies.
I really don't think this Kennedy selection is going to pass. She is NOT qualified to hold such an important seat. I hate to say it but even Sara Palin has more experience. Just because you are a Kennedy does not mean you can pick and choose what the hell ever you want outside of Massachusetts! I hate to slam Caroline because I like her. But she would be huge mistake for a New York senator right now.