Well today most Americans and the world celebrate the day Jesus was born. What should be a holy day has been turned into a cynical, self indulgent, hypocritical piece of overblown shit! These " so-called " Christians that go out and buy a tree that was chopped off by the root so that it can hang in their home for less than two weeks. And go out and spend more money than they can afford to purchase gifts that will only be appreciated for a few weeks if not a few days.
So called Christians filling up churches that they haven't went inside in months if not since Easter Sunday. Handing out a few dollars or loose change to the Salvation Army attendents because they just want to avoid the attendant who is standing front of the market with their ringing bell. You really have to ask yourself..............is this what Jesus really would have wanted you to do for his birthday?.
The answer is " NO" ! These people who call themselves the all knowing readers of the bible should know that Jesus was not a rich man. He didn't care about I-Phones, X-Box's, Kohl's Gift cards, IKEA dinner table sets, and Mc Donald's gift certificate! He was about helping the poor! Healing the sick, helping those who have been shunned and neglected. The same people those big evangelical churches tend to stay the fuck away from! Jesus wouldn't shun away from homosexuals, prostitutes, the handicap, AIDS patients, the destitute, immigrants, and minorities!
Do you think he would hang out with Bush or any of these so called Catholic bishops or priest?. You must be fucking kidding me. He would have done everything he could to demolish big churches! He would have been sicken by what the Bush administration is doing to Islam, the poor, homosexuals, and Latin immigrants. He would have walked into the " Mall Of America " and may have set that bitch on fire! Jesus was about compassion, understanding, forgiveness, avoiding all forms of materialism, and respecting those who are different. But do you think that some of these dumb asses who call themselves " Christians " understand the true meaning of Christmas?. You have to be fucking kidding me!
This holiday has turned into EVERYTHING Jesus would have hated! If Jesus had a grave. He would be spinning like a fucking top in it! I think if there is a day of so-called " rapture". More than half of these hypocritical Christians would be left behind to burn with their anti-Christ ( Bush )!
It's just sad when I see store placing up Christmas decorations as early as October. People worrying about everything but NOT thinking about what Jesus would have enjoyed. It is his birthday right?. It would be like everyone at your job celebrating your birthday at a strip club and you're a mother of two. How would you like that?. You wouldn't! That's how Jesus must feel. All these fucking " ingrates " walking around " at the mall watching Will Smith's new movie and sporting that new $500.00 jacket. And what is up with a movie studio putting out a fucking horror film ( AVP 2) on Christmas?. Is that just fucking disgraceful or what?. Yea, Jesus would have loved that wouldn't he?.
So maybe next year. Why don't you try to doing something very different. Why don't you try to truly honor the man's name and do something he would have liked you to do. Help the homeless, Help the missions with their food drives! Volunteer at a hospice. Spend a day with those in need. Form a group to help clean a neglected neighborhood. Give clothes to the homeless. Don't give your child everything he or she wants. Limit to one gift and take your child to a shelter to help out with volunteers. Do something that you can look back and know you did something to honor his life that he gave so that you can live in sin. Stop making a fucking mockery of this day! Celebrate it like a true Christian!
I'm outta here!
Christianity today has little to do with what Jesus himself taught. Most of them are so confused and ignorant about what the bible actually says or means to know how fucked up they are.
ya got that right!
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