Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, coalition commander in 2003 and 2004, called the Iraq war "a nightmare with no end in sight," for which he said the Bush administration, the State Department and Congress all share blame.
Sanchez told a group of military reporters in Arlington, Virginia, on Friday that such dereliction of duty by a military officer would mean immediate dismissal or court martial, but the politicians have not been held accountable.
He said the Iraq war plan from the start was "catastrophically flawed, unrealistically optimistic," and the administration has not provided the resources necessary for victory, which he said the military could never achieve on its own.
Still, he said, the U.S. cannot pull out of Iraq without causing chaos that would have global implications.
"After more than four years of fighting, America continues its desperate struggle in Iraq without any concerted effort to devise a strategy that will achieve victory in that war torn country or in the greater conflict against extremism," Sanchez said.
Sanchez pointed to what he said was "neglect and incompetence at the National Security Council level" which has put the U.S. military into "an intractable situation" in Iraq.
You have to be kidding me. You mean the war is sponsored by political greed and incompetence?! REALLY?!!!
You you know what Sanchez. I am sick and fucking tired of retired generals who said "NOTHING" but support this president's efforts for war in Iraq. Now talk shit once they are off the payroll. Stop blaming others fucker! BLAME YOURSELF! You not only answer to the commander and chief. You also are accountable to the people you are paid to protect.........the American People!
You could have expressed your opinion while you were running the war. But you just sat there and let our soldier's die so that you could keep your job! And now your conscience was killing you at night. And now you want to come clean?. You are the worse kind of scum! You should apologize for all the lives you have placed in harm during your tenure!
So NO! I do not respect the fact that your lying ass has come clean. And NO! Like Patreas, Rummy, and Bush. You ALL should be placed under arrest and brought up on war crime charges! You dishonored this country and your ranking as a so called general should be stripped!
You sack of shit! You disgust me!
I'm outta here!
I really think those evil bastards should be arrested and charged with war crimes too. And you're so right. Where was this fucker's conscience when he was still all in the game? Very hollow words indeed.
I had to gank and post this on me blog! We really seriously are at a nasty fucking breaking point in this country. It's amazing it hasn't happened already!
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