Saturday, October 13, 2007
Crazed Bitch Opens Her Mouth Again!
This bitch is sick! Mann (drag queen)Coulter is a crazed and nasty looking shithead! But what is even more sad. People buy this bitches books! And to say Jews should be "perfected"! I want to personally choke this bitch!
The notion that Jews are religiously inferior or imperfect because they do not accept Christian beliefs was the basis for 2,000 years of church-based anti-Semitism. ....the idea that Judaism needs to be replaced with Christianity and that each individual Jew is somehow deficient and needs to be "perfected" is rank Christian supersessionism and has been rejected by the Catholic Church and the vast majority of mainstream Christian denominations.
If there is a heaven. Do you think I would want to go to the same place that allows this cunt behind their pearly gates?! A place that hates anything that is different than them. A place that condemns those who are different?. A place that would allow Bush, Cheney, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Haggart, Newt, Rudy, and Romney?. No thanks. If that is the case. I rather burn in hell. Like my boy Lu would say......Hail Satan!
Ann Coulter is a pathetic homophobic, sexist, racist, anti semite bitch! Thinks women should not have the right to vote, and now pissing on Jews! Where does it stop?. What has this country sunken to when this bitch has a book that's a "bestseller".
Fuck her, fuck the people who bought her book, and fuck those who think the same way!
I'm outta here!
No DUH! Fucker!

Retired Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, coalition commander in 2003 and 2004, called the Iraq war "a nightmare with no end in sight," for which he said the Bush administration, the State Department and Congress all share blame.
Sanchez told a group of military reporters in Arlington, Virginia, on Friday that such dereliction of duty by a military officer would mean immediate dismissal or court martial, but the politicians have not been held accountable.
He said the Iraq war plan from the start was "catastrophically flawed, unrealistically optimistic," and the administration has not provided the resources necessary for victory, which he said the military could never achieve on its own.
Still, he said, the U.S. cannot pull out of Iraq without causing chaos that would have global implications.
"After more than four years of fighting, America continues its desperate struggle in Iraq without any concerted effort to devise a strategy that will achieve victory in that war torn country or in the greater conflict against extremism," Sanchez said.
Sanchez pointed to what he said was "neglect and incompetence at the National Security Council level" which has put the U.S. military into "an intractable situation" in Iraq.
You have to be kidding me. You mean the war is sponsored by political greed and incompetence?! REALLY?!!!
You you know what Sanchez. I am sick and fucking tired of retired generals who said "NOTHING" but support this president's efforts for war in Iraq. Now talk shit once they are off the payroll. Stop blaming others fucker! BLAME YOURSELF! You not only answer to the commander and chief. You also are accountable to the people you are paid to protect.........the American People!
You could have expressed your opinion while you were running the war. But you just sat there and let our soldier's die so that you could keep your job! And now your conscience was killing you at night. And now you want to come clean?. You are the worse kind of scum! You should apologize for all the lives you have placed in harm during your tenure!
So NO! I do not respect the fact that your lying ass has come clean. And NO! Like Patreas, Rummy, and Bush. You ALL should be placed under arrest and brought up on war crime charges! You dishonored this country and your ranking as a so called general should be stripped!
You sack of shit! You disgust me!
I'm outta here!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
The Flags Of Their Fathers!
This is America! If mexico is so good they should go back, because I dont want them here if their loyalty is to mexico. If they stay they will turn this great country into a ghetto just like mexico.
Really! How many people knew it was illegal to fly another flag over the US! Do you think he did that on purpose?! This fucking nutcase vandals a persons property and is called a "hero"?! If he was such an enforcer. He could have walked into the store. Told the owner of the law and request he change position of his flags. But because he is a racist scumbag who couldn't lower himself to speaking his trailer trash English to a Mexican American. He decided to pull a "Rambo" with his WW2 Army surplus knife ( which looked like a boy scout knife) to form his own kind of justice! These are the type of fuckheads who support Bush and are still think it's 1953!
This fucking country is going to shit! The comment above was a response from a viewer who saw this bullshit on You Tube! People need to stop blaming Mexicans for this countries problems! Why don't you blame yourself for being stupid enough for voting for a fucking chimp for president!
I'm outta here!
Really! How many people knew it was illegal to fly another flag over the US! Do you think he did that on purpose?! This fucking nutcase vandals a persons property and is called a "hero"?! If he was such an enforcer. He could have walked into the store. Told the owner of the law and request he change position of his flags. But because he is a racist scumbag who couldn't lower himself to speaking his trailer trash English to a Mexican American. He decided to pull a "Rambo" with his WW2 Army surplus knife ( which looked like a boy scout knife) to form his own kind of justice! These are the type of fuckheads who support Bush and are still think it's 1953!
This fucking country is going to shit! The comment above was a response from a viewer who saw this bullshit on You Tube! People need to stop blaming Mexicans for this countries problems! Why don't you blame yourself for being stupid enough for voting for a fucking chimp for president!
I'm outta here!
Perez On The War Path!

It was four years ago when I first saw Perez Hilton sitting in a Starbucks in West Hollywood playing with his laptop. I said to myself " who is this weird looking queen who is head deep in his laptop?!" Who would have known that only a few years he would infrutrate our pop culture and piss off about half of Hollywood.
Perez who is famous for his inside Hollywood gossip and defacing photos of the celebrities he trashes. Now of course if he likes you. You are spared from his digital wrath. But when you are on his shit list. No one can slam a person with such viciousness like Perez can.
Now I started my blog around the same time he did and though our styles are simular. He's big time and I am small change. So I am sitting in my hotel in New York and I get a call from my cellphone. I pick it up and I hear that voice " Hey ! Is this TTB ( not my real name of course) ?. It's Perez Hilton"! I first wanted to know how in the fuck did this guy get my private number?.
Well it seems that good old Perez wanted was some dirt on a close friend of mine and promised me that he would not reported in his blog. I refused and told him it was not nice to call me about getting some bad shit on a close friend .So I am sitting at my computer and I get an e-mail from that same friend asking me did I talk to Perez. I informed my friend what Perez was trying to do and she flipped!
The next thing I knew. I read this on my friend's my-space........
Where the fuck do I start? Firstly, Perez drags some comment I left in my blog that was MEANT to be funny into a STORY. Run outta those GREAT sources and stories Perez? I said I was tempted to dump my drink on his head…I thought it was pretty funny. Wow, this guy can dish shit, but he sure can’t take it!
Poor Perez then felt the need to report MORE false news on me (all he ever does) to feel better about himself. The greasy haired pig ended up sitting in front of me last night at the Fox Reality Really Awards. Of course we are all gonna poke fun about the evil man that does nothing but try to bring people down! All he does is talk shit about me, he is so vile. Did he expect me to say something nice about him? Here is a guy who calls people “reality whores” yet has his OWN reality show (he is SO uninteresting, that it has to be about OTHER PEOPLE!!!). He claims he has REAL news, but ends up doing nothing but writing LIES. I’m banned from the Playboy Mansion? News to me, you shit talking pig! I am unemployed? You will be eatin your fucking words in a few months. You might consider getting better sources…like people who actually know SOMETHING. But you can’t, because no one likes your negative ass. He says I am a failed model. That would be true if I came into this industry to model. Everything I have ever done is to make money to better my life, invest, and help my family. Mission accomplished, so how have I failed? I do it for the money honey, get your shit straight. I want to be more than just some thoughtless beauty with a dead eye. People know I am more than just some “model”. I have a personality…which YOU don’t seem to like. That just makes it all the better! Don’t like it? GET OVER IT!
Did I mention dear sweet Perez had a BLACK EYE last night? Wonder who gave him a little kiss? All this guy does is talk shit about me, and everyone else. GET A LIFE! He hates anyone who isn’t as miserable inside as he is. This guy has the balls to say I am classless? RIIIIGHT. This is coming from a guy who got famous for DRAWING DICKS AND CUM ON THE FACES OF CELEBRITIES! Class fucking act, Perez, Class act! I’m sure the white house wants you over for dinner. When this douchebag sat in front of me last night, all I could feel was his negative energy. Who made fun of you growing up, Perez? Did they hurt you so bad that you now have to hurt others to make yourself feel better?
He went onstage and present an award. While he did so, he talked shit about every person up for one by calling them losers. WHAT ARE YOU, MY DEAR? Do you consider yourself a winner? I don’t know many who do. Why don’t you raise money for cancer, or help sick children? Oh yeah, I forgot your only interested in hurting people. Your heart is BLACK. It’s called KARMA baby, and you will get it in SPADES. Could this guy one day become a cool person? I hope so, he is obviously really hurting inside and has yet to deal with his child hood issues.
So again, Perez, your sources are bullshit and nothing but liars. You are nothing but a ball of negativity. Do something better with your life….like try to GET ONE!”
I used to like this guy. But she dropped a major bomb on his ass. Most if not all Celebrity bloggers with web sites HATE him with a passion! The fact that he will go to that dept to get dirt on a celebrity so he can up his own fame at the celebrities expense. I report on the news and give my opinion on the subject. I only report facts and avoid speculation or cheap ass rumors. If a celebrity fucked up and has no remorse. I'll slam them. But the last thing I would ever do is go to my celebrity friends to find shit on a person so that I can slam their name on my site.
Now my friend has been known to say some wild shit of her own. She made a fucked up comment about boycotting BET and Black History Month. Her reasons were too whack to mention. But when Perez found out about it. He posted on his blog that she was a racist loser. Now since then. She has been "educated" on African American history and has saw the light ( somewhat). I'll work on her later and update you when I do. But of course there is much more to this story for the reason why Pezez decided to make her public enemy # 1. And to some degree. She might have deserved her attack. But spreading lies and mistruth's on a person is still wrong. No matter the situation.
Perez is burning more bridges by the day. I hope he changes his act. I liked the guy . But right now. I have to side with my friends who I know better. Sorry dude but you are on your own on this one. You got alot going for you but don't fuck it up by stepping on some toes. No matter how far on the star level they may be.
I'm outta here!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Dave Grills "THE WHORE"!
Way to go Dave. That whore needs to feel the heat.She thought she was going to slide without getting bashed by an interviewer for the jail stint. It's good to see that Dave didn't kiss her ass like Larry King did.
BTW! I tried that new purfume she pushing and I may need some antibiotics for my lung infection from inhaling that toxic shit!
I'm outta here!
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