Today I spent the entire day in bed with a sour stomach! My insides felt like I had just threw up and the ate 20 pancakes with extra bacon and a milkshake chaser! And why you may ask?. Because my foolish ass stopped at a KFC/ Pizza Hut for a 3 piece meal and a soda. Know I should have known that I would be taking my life into my own hands by eating that tortured and closely caged chicken that lived in shit and was boiled alive before he was skinned and fried to make this hellish meal!
And what is up with the two fast foods places in one concept?! I don't want my pizza smelling like corn on the cob! Who the fuck brain stormed that idea?. And when you combine the shittiest pizza with the crappiest chicken. Nothing good could come out of that. And you wonder why American kids have diabetes and are a bunch of fat asses.
Speaking of fat asses. If I continue to eat that fried shit. Not only will I have to order my clothes from the Big and Tall store. My arteries will close up and need to be open up with the jaws of life!
But I knew something was wrong when the guy behind the counter asked me " are you sure you want 3 pieces"? Red flag number one! When they were putting my "death meal" in the box. There was a dumb ass mopping the floor with some strong ass ammonia........red flag number two! And when I got my soda. The coke machine looked like it was last clean.......when a young Bobby Brown came to town to perform a concert!
All I know is that my ass may need to go back to becoming a vegatarian. So word to the wise my friends. If you into taking risk....................go gamble in Vegas!
I'm outta here!!!
Goddamn does that thing have enough food?!
I can't eat that KFC shit.
(Yeah I know, redundant!)
My dad knew Colonel Sanders, both being KENtuckians (gotta pronounce it KEN-tucky boy!) and he asked the Colonel "Are you REALLY from Kentucky??? Cuz we never had SHIT like this for food back home!"
I shit you not, that is a 100% TRUE STORY!
Aw shit, I forgot the original thing I was gonna say in the first damn place, duh!
With all the food on that fucking thing, and most of it greasier than a bucket of eels swimming in snot, and we wonder why so many Americans are over-weight?!?!?!
Simple diet tip from me, Lu Cifer:
thanks a lot ttb. your little story made me feel sick. Fast food is shite! Stay away from it.
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