Hollywood is getting way "TOO" Gay!! What is going on. Way too much man on man love going on. But hey there is nothing wrong with being too gay. But damn maybe it's just me.Maybe I should just come into the 21st century and see that it is ok to see two men embrace lovingly by a campfire. Or hugging with lust after a good take on a movie set ( see pic with Bryan Singer and Spacey getting way too personal) Or watching Ryan Seacrest look at himself in the mirror and turns around to see how his butt looks. I'm just saying......let's pace ourselves here. Way too much is going on. I have a hard time watching a straight couple getting it on on camera yet along Jake and Heath making out in a tent.
At least even the playing field and show J-Lo making out with Mariah Carey. Now that would be NICE!!! You know Lesbians need love too. In fact, I think we may need more lady on lady action instead of watching Chassidy Bono rolling around " Celebrity Fit Club" talking about how many women she's been with. Come on Hollywood!! How about it?! Jennifer Gardner slopping a fat one on Jessica Alba.Courtney Cox on top of Jennifer Aniston in the hot tub, Angelina with any hot girl. Now that is the type of " Gay Love" we all need to see.
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