You have got to be fucking kidding me. This fucking Nazi in Mormons clothing had the NERVES to haul his ass to a Black neighborhood for a well planned photo op ?! And then try to take a picture and say " Who let the dog's out "! Are you fucking kidding me.
When are people going to realize that the Republican party DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE! That was probably the first time his racist ass walked into a all Black neighborhood and stayed there for 10 minutes! I bet he had to take a long shower to get off that " Negro smell "! He one time had the nerve to say that when he heard that Martin Luther King died. He was in his car. He was so devastated that he pulled over and cried. The only problem was that this dumb bitch was in Michigan at the time and said it was in 1972! King was assassinated in 1968!
The fact that he and ALL the rest of his Nazi Republican candidates for president REFUSE to even attend NOT ONE Black sponsored debate nor has any of them attended NOT ONE rally that has featured a large minority presence! And of course NOT ONE of the candidates has mention solving the issues or problems going on in the Black communities! So how disgusting that this fucker would even DARE show his Lilly White Ronald Regan worshiping ass in a Black neighborhood to pander the few delusional and confused Blacks that do vote Republican!
When Super Tuesday arrives. I do hope your ass is out of the race! You are a fucking joke and your policies border on the lines of Adolf Hitler and Jim Jones! You make me sick you rancid piece of shit! And I hope your party fall straight on their collective asses come November! Seven years of bullshit and I'll be damn if we get 4 more!