Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Palin/McCain lies about tax increases
Despite their claims of tax increase by an Obama/Biden ticket (which are PURE LIES).The Obama camp has created a web site that shows all Americans what their taxes would be under his administration.
Let's face it. Palin/McCain "maverick" show is desperate. With Obama's lead increasing in key states. They will try every dirty scheme in the book. It is important for those to vote early and get others to vote. Request to take the day off or come in later to work. NOTHING should prevent you for making your vote count.
We need to end this bullshit Republican streak of lies,manipulations, and shitting on the credibility of American politics. Let's end this shit Nov 4th! Send Sarah back to shooting animals from planes and McCain back to the old folks home!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Reason # 876, and 877 Why I will NEVER Vote For McCain!

When you have three of America's biggest "Village Idiots" supporting you as president. Close up shop and call it a day. Heidi(Horse Face)Montag, Spencer(King Douche)Pratt and Elizabeth (Dumb Bitch) Hasselbeck joining your cause is not a good thing. It's worse enough you have Palin opening her dumb ass mouth still talking about how she has so much executive experience than Barack. But yet NO ONE has even tried to go to Alaska and see what her job details of on a regular basis. They are willing to take the word of a person who they have known for two months. Yet questioning your party and government and paying more taxes is considered "un American".
Her party will just take her word that what she did in Alaska was "important". Despite being the Mayor of the " Meth Capital" of the world, Husband was in a secessionist party, State pays her $17,000 a month to live at home but yet has cooked the books to show that she can the US tax payer for hotel expenses and plane fights for her daughters. And don't get me started on the so called plane she sold on EBAY that she was still flying on the plane when she could not sell it.
And our dear "Maverick" McCain has spent the last two week avoiding any discussions regarding his agenda if he becomes president. We do know that he will give you a $5000.00 credit for health care that you will need to get in your car and travel to another state to use. Heaven forbid you are close to death and you live in LA and your doctor is in Phoenix.
Tax plan that still helps the rich and fucks over the poor,will DO NOTHING to stop outsourcing our jobs to foreign countries, and will cut social programs so that we can pay the "war machine" to continue this joke of a war in Iraq. Eight years and counting and still Bin Laden "not caught". Nor will he. Because he is NOT IN IRAQ! McCain spent a majority of his senior military career as a POW and yet he is an expert on "foreign policy". Give me a fucking break. He is about as much as military hero as my uncle who was a POW in Laos. I guess he could run for president as well.
I'm just sick of it. I respect a person for not voting for Barack because he was Black and they did not like him rather than the penny ass excuses that this GOP ticket has to offer. I'm not going to say 8 years of the same. Because it won't will be worse!
I'm outta here
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Can I Please Choke The Shit Out Of Elizabeth Hasselbeck?!
I am sick and tired of Elizabeth Hasselbeck stupid ass! Why did Barbara Walter decide to put such a dumb bitch who known for just being a reality show "has been"! Put her in the spot light to spread her true ignorance is amazing.
I thought her ass was leaving the show?! PLEASE DO! FOX NEWS needs your dumb ass now! Because this bitch knows just about as much about the word " fair" and "balance" as FOX News does.
To even suggest that Barack kicks it with low life's when John McCain goes on Hawaiian vacations with CRIMINALS (Charles Keating)is a fucking joke.
You know when it's bad when dumb ass Sherri Shepard yells back at you. Last week Barbara told her dumb ass off, month ago Joy Behar put her in her place, and now Sherri. Elizabeth. If you even had a logical response about Obama...what am I thinking. You could never have the capability for a logical thought!